Oreo Mug Cake Recipe: How to Make This Chocolatey Dessert in 10 Minutes

We are all aware of the sudden urge to eat something sweet at odd hours. That’s when we thank the people who came up with the idea for the mug cake. Mug cakes are a delicious quick treat that require minimal time and ingredients to prepare. What makes this our favorite dessert is that, unlike a classic cake, you really don’t need any prior preparation to make this sweet treat. Here, we don’t need patience or expertise to go through the whole process of baking. And guess what; Even a novice baker can bake it like a pro! Don’t believe us? Try it at home and decide. All you have to do is combine all the ingredients in a mug and bake in the microwave oven for barely five minutes. And then, just ditch your spoon and indulge!

looks attractive; Is not it? That’s why we bring you delicious mug cake A recipe that will surely touch the heart. This is an Oreo mug cake. With a filling of vanilla cream inside a crunchy biscuit, the Oreo biscuit makes for a mesmerizing indulgence; So much so that today we use it to make a variety of drinks and sweet treats, including Oreo shakes, Oreo ice cream, oreo cake even more.

Read also: Viral Red Velvet Cake Recipe: All you need is 5 minutes and a mug!

10 Minute Dessert Recipe: How To Make Oreo Cake:

Oreo mug cake is a simpler version of the traditional Oreo cake. Oreo biscuits, baking soda, choco-chips, milk, oil, a mug and just 10 minutes are needed to make this recipe. Let’s take a look at the recipe.

To make Oreo Mug Cake, first break the biscuits and keep them aside. Then mix baking soda, milk and oil in a mug. Add biscuits to it. Beat the ingredients well with a fork to avoid the formation of any lumps. Now add choco-chips to it and mix lightly.

Microwave it for five minutes and Oreo Mug Cake is ready in no time.

click here For detailed recipe.

All you have to take care is – never fill the mug (with the batter) more than halfway. This is because the baking soda in the batter will raise your cake above its original level.

Now that you have the recipe handy and a quick tip, what are you waiting for? Get all the ingredients and make yourself a delicious Oreo Mug Cake right now! How did you like it, do let us know in the comments below.

About Somdutt SahuInvestigator- Somdutt likes to call this himself. In terms of food, people or places, she craves only to know the unknown. A simple aglio oleo pasta or dal-chawal and a good movie can make his day.
