Origami butterflies for autism awareness crafted in a unique display

A child engaged in making origami.
| Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

In a heart-warming display of solidarity and awareness, 500 optometric students and ophthalmologists from across Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh joined forces to create 2024 origami butterflies, symbolizing growth & transformation for individuals with autism.

According to the release, the unique initiative, organised by Sankara Eye Hospital and Sankara College of Optometry, aimed to shed light on the connection between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and its visual impact.

Origami made by children kept on display. 

Origami made by children kept on display. 
| Photo Credit:
Special Arrangement

Dr. Kaushik Murali, President Medical Administration, Quality And Education, Sankara Eye Foundation India, said, “To increase acceptance of children with autism spectrum and advocate for a comprehensive eye examination which can enhance their ability to flourish, we came up with this idea of showcasing a butterfly through origami.”

Through this distinct initiative, participants sought to raise awareness & committed to propagate the importance of understanding and addressing visual challenges faced by individuals on the autism spectrum