Our pupils can sense differences in volume, study finds

Our eyes are an incredible concoction of biology and optics that help us see the world in all its flesh. Traditionally, the pupils, an essential part of our eyes, are sensitive to light. This means that the pupils dilate and contract depending on the candle of light thrown at it. However, a new study by researchers from the University of Sydney in collaboration with the Universities of Florence and Pisa shows that our students do much more than just distinguish between the bright and the dark. According to its findings, our students also have the ability to understand quantity. As involuntary as the pupils move when exposed to light, so is the case with intuitive perception of quantity. “When we look around, we spontaneously perceive shape, motion, and color. Equally spontaneously, we perceive the number of objects in front of us. This is an evolutionary fundamental, which most animals share. study co-author Professor David Burr said in a press release.

The team of researchers studied a group of adult participants and their perceptions of images containing a variable number of dots. In some images, the points were spaced apart and spread out in a random manner, while in others, the two points were joined to take the shape of dumbbells, which were spread across the image.

It was found that the diameter of the participants’ pupils varied depending on the perceived number of dots. If the number of dots was high, the pupils dilated, and if the number of dots was low, they constricted. One of the team members, Dr Alyssa Castaldi, explained how the results point to the fact that information is intrinsically related to perception and believes the study may have practical implications.

“In dyscalculia, a dysfunction in mathematical learning, the ability to understand numbers and information is compromised. This study may help to detect and identify this condition early in young children,” said Dr. Castaldi.

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