Outer-trouble: There are 3 panic attacks planned for the type of planning

Indian Army and CRPF killed Taj in security-work.


In the mating at Sanxt-Cox, one of the most ten of Hizbul Mujahideen provides security to three terrorists. This was recorded on the basis of the network the mobiles were connected to, which were connected to such networks.

this also further

In Kulgam and the Central Police Force (Pref) the police were asked to do a program and prepared to carry out the same.

Security acted on the reply. Once it was run it was put in order. Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid.

They will enter the password only after entering the updated identity. The particulars included are included. Shiraz was one in Most and was active since 2016.

The second encounter took place at Bund Bemina, where a joint team of Army and Rapid Reaction Force of CRPF killed one terrorist. Updated as Rise. This inquiry is done to verify the reports. The police have established it and it has been established.

Kashmir Inspector General of Police Vijay Kumar congratulated the joint teams for carrying out both the operations in a professional manner, which resulted in the elimination of three terrorists including one most wanted.

Suitable for working closely with staff as well as living together.
