Over 2 tonnes of artificially ripened mangoes seized Coimbatore News – Times of India

Tiruppur: Food safety officials on Saturday seized and destroyed 2.25 tonnes of artificially ripened mangoes in the city.
According to an official source, Dr B VijayallithambigaiThe designated food safety officer for the district, and the team raided godowns and fruit stalls in the city that day, based on the tip that mangoes were being ripened using ethylene.
Vijayalitambigai said, “Based on the directions of Food Safety Commissioner P”. Senthil Kumar and District Collector Dr S VineetWe raided fruit stalls and godowns in the city. We had received information that fresh stock of mangoes was arriving in the city on Saturday. So, we started the inspection early in the morning.
He said that ethylene powder was kept in pouches packed boxes for ripening raw mangoes. “We seized 2.25 tonnes of mangoes worth Rs 1.5 lakh from six stalls and destroyed them at the corporation dump yard. If artificially ripened mango is consumed, it can cause digestive disorders, throat irritation and cancer. The artificially ripened mango will have a mild aroma and will not be juicy and tender, the official said. “Before eating mangoes should be kept in water for 15 minutes and washed with lukewarm water for two minutes.”
Public can report any complaint related to food on WhatsApp (9444042322) of Food Safety Department. news network