Over 300 kg of ganja seized in Koraput Bhubaneswar News – Times of India

About 301 kg of ganja worth more than Rs 3 crore was seized in the district on Tuesday in the international market. four people including two Uttar Pradesh Residents and a native of Haryana were arrested in this connection.
“We had received information about the consignment. Accordingly, a truck was stopped at Jaipur Ghat Road. To give us the slip, the contraband was being taken to UP in a vehicle laden with coconut,” Aditya Mahakuri, Officer-in-Charge of Jaipur Sadar Police Border.
Mahakur said the truck was brought to the police station premises and searched in the presence of a magistrate. “The accused had bought ganja from Machkund. The involvement of more local residents in the crime cannot be ruled out. Efforts are on to nab them,” he said. The police have identified the accused as follows Saraf agrees (30) and Mohit Kumar (42), from both Meerut in up, Shakeel Khan (45) Panchkul, Haryana, and Shadu Khileo (40) of Sankai village under Machkund police limits in the district.
A truck, four mobile phones and Rs 25,000 in cash were recovered from them. news network
