Oxfam report says more than 160 million people were forced into poverty in two years of pandemic

The study showed that the pandemic has pushed gender equality back from 99 years to 135 years, with women collectively losing $800 billion in earnings.

the first two years of COVID-19 The pandemic saw the income of 99% of humanity fall and more than 160 million people were forced into poverty, with even the ten richest people in the world more than doubling their fortunes at a rate of $1.3 billion (₹9,000). Seen in excess of $1.5 trillion (over ₹111 lakh crore). crore) one day, Monday, a new study showed.

In its report titled ‘Inequality Kills’ released on the first day of the World Economic Forum’s online Davos Agenda Summit, Oxfam International further said that inequality is contributing to the death of at least 21,000 people every day, or one person every four seconds.

It is a conservative finding based on global deaths from health care, gender-based violence, hunger and climate breakdown.

The ten richest people in the world saw their wealth increase by $15,000 a second during the first two years of the pandemic, and even if these ten people lost 99.999% of their wealth yesterday, they would still be more than 99% of all. The people on this planet will be rich.

For example, a one-time 99% tax on the epidemic of the ten richest men to make enough vaccines for the world; provide universal health care and social protection, fund climate adaptation and reduce gender-based violence in more than 80 countries; While still leaving these people $8 billion better than they were before the pandemic.

“They now have six times more wealth than the poorest 3.1 billion people,” said Gabriela Butcher, executive director of Oxfam International.

“It has never been so important to correct the violent culminations of this obscene inequality—including the power of the elites and excessive wealth through taxation—to get that money back into the real economy and save lives,” she said. said.

According to Oxfam, the wealth of billionaires has increased since then COVID-19 than in the last 14 years. At USD 5 trillion, this is the biggest jump in the wealth of billionaires since records began.

For example, a one-time 99% tax on the epidemic of the ten richest men to make enough vaccines for the world; provide universal health care and social protection, fund climate adaptation and reduce gender-based violence in more than 80 countries; While still leaving these people $8 billion better than they were before the pandemic.

“Billionaires have faced a terrible pandemic. Central banks pump trillions of dollars into financial markets to save the economy, yet most of them end up pocketing billionaires riding the stock market boom Vaccines were meant to end this pandemic, yet prosperous governments allowed pharma billionaires and monopolies to cut supplies to billions of people,” Ms. Butcher said.

She alleged that the world’s response to the pandemic has intensified this economic violence, particularly on racial, marginalized and gender lines.

Oxfam said inequality is also at the heart of the climate crisis, as the richest 1% emit more than twice as much CO2 as the bottom 50% of the world, leading to climate change throughout 2020 and 2021, which has destroyed forests. Contributed to fires, floods, tornadoes. , crop failure and hunger.

“As COVID-19 spikes into an escalation of gender-based violence, even more unpaid care is placed on women and girls,” Butcher said.

The study showed that the pandemic has pushed gender equality back from 99 years to 135 years.

Women collectively lost $800 billion in earnings in 2020, with 13 million fewer women now employed than in 2019. 252 men have more wealth than all one billion women and girls in Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean.

It further said that the pandemic has affected racial groups the most.

During the second wave of the pandemic in England, people of Bangladeshi origin were five times more likely to die from COVID-19 than the white British population. Black people in Brazil are 1.5 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than white people. According to Oxfam, in the US, 3.4 million black Americans would be alive today if their life expectancy was the same as that of white people.

It said inequality between countries is expected to increase for the first time in a generation.

Developing countries, which have been denied access to adequate vaccines because of the protection of drug monopolies by wealthy governments, have been forced to reduce social spending and now face the prospect of austerity measures. According to Oxfam, the proportion of people with COVID-19 who die from the virus in developing countries is almost twice that of wealthy countries.

In addition, Oxfam said inequality also goes to the heart of the climate crisis, as the richest 1% emit more than twice as much CO2 as the bottom 50% of the world, leading to climate change throughout 2020 and 2021 , which has contributed to forest fires, floods. , tornadoes, crop failure and hunger.

It suggested that governments should immediately recapture the gains made by billionaires by taxing this vast new wealth created since the start of the pandemic through permanent wealth and capital taxes.

Oxfam also called for investing the trillions that could be raised by these taxes towards progressive spending on universal health care and social security, climate change adaptation, and gender-based violence prevention and programming.

It further recommended tackling sexist and racist laws and abolishing laws that undermine workers’ union and strike rights.

“Wealthy governments should immediately waive intellectual property regulations on COVID-19 vaccine technologies to allow more countries to produce safe and effective vaccines at the end of the pandemic,” Oxfam said.

Stating that there is no dearth of money, but only a lack of courage and imagination, which are necessary to break free from the failed, deadly straitjacket of extreme neoliberalism, Butcher said, “Governments would be wise to listen to movements – Young climate strikers, Black Lives Matter activists, #NiUnaMenos feminists, Indian farmers and others – demanding justice and equality.”
