Pak PM attempts to raise Kashmir at OIC meeting on Afghanistan – Times of India

Islamabad: Instead of focusing on keeping his house in order, the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan once again tried to advance the infamous Kashmir agenda during Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) meeting, where he called on the member states to make an “integrated plan” for the region.
Speaking at the 17th Extraordinary Session of the OIC’s Council of Foreign Ministers here, Khan said the people of Palestine and Kashmir want to see a unified response from the Muslim world regarding their democracy and human rights.
The Pakistan PM said the OIC should play its part in helping the world understand the teachings of Islam and “our love and affection for the last moment”. Prophet Hazrat Muhammad“, according to The News International.
This has come at a time when Imran Khan is barely ruling his country. On the one hand, rising inflation and rising commodity prices have thrown the country’s rank and file into disarray. On the other hand, the ruling PTI government’s unsuccessful talks with organizations like Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan And Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan has raised concerns about a possible increase in extremism in the country.
Sunday’s OIC-led conference was the largest ever international summit since Afghanistan Taliban occupied the country in mid-August following the withdrawal of US forces from the country after two decades.
The meeting comes at a time when Pakistan is rallying the 57-member OIC to help pull Afghanistan out of crisis, while at the same time trying to convince the Taliban that Afghanistan has softened its image abroad. .
Under the guise of a humanitarian agenda, experts believe that despite little progress on the human rights front by the organization, Pakistan is trying to push the interim Afghanistan government towards international recognition.
a meeting, which was held to discuss the ongoing Humanitarian crisis in AfghanistanImran Khan used the big stage for his political purposes.
Referring to the presence of Islamic State (IS) in Afghanistan, the Pakistan PM said that the only way to deal with the terror outfit is a stable Afghanistan. He said Isis was capable of carrying out international attacks.
Rejecting Pakistan PM’s remarks terror In his own country, the former President of Afghanistan hamid karzai According to TOLOnews, said on Sunday that the landlocked country is facing ISIS threat from Pakistan.
Responding to Khan’s remarks, the former Afghanistan President said the allegations were not true. Karzai said that ISIS has been threatening Afghanistan from Pakistan from the beginning, and not vice versa.
