Pakistan continues to promote culture of violence at home across its borders: India at UN – Times of India

United Nations: India has slammed Pakistan, saying the country continues to promote a “culture of violence” in its country and across its borders, as it used the UN forum on Islamabad for hate speech against it. Was.
“A culture of peace is not merely an intangible value or principle that is discussed and celebrated at conferences, but needs to be actively built into global relations between and among member states,” said India’s first in the Permanent Mission. Secretary United Nations Vidisha Maitra says United Nations General Assembly ‘The Transformative Role of a Culture of Peace: Promoting Resilience and Inclusion in Post-Covid Recovery’ during the High Level Forum on Culture of Peace on Tuesday.
“We have seen another attempt today by the Pakistan delegation to exploit the UN platform for hate speech against India, even as it is promoting a ‘culture of violence’ at home and on its borders. Reject and condemn all attempts,” she said.
India’s strong reaction came after Islamabad’s envoy un muniro Akram raised the issue of Jammu and Kashmir and spoke about late pro-Pakistan leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani in his remarks in the General Assembly Hall, which focused almost entirely on India and not on the subject of the forum.
Maitra said there is no doubt that terrorism, which is an expression of intolerance and violence, is antithetical to all religions and cultures. “The world should be concerned about terrorists who use religion to justify these acts and who support them in this quest,” she said.
Underlining that India will continue to spread the message of humanity, democracy and non-violence, he said India will especially uphold its call to apply the principles of impartiality, non-selectivity and impartiality to form the basis of discussions at the United Nations. repeats. Religion issue.
“including the United Nations United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and Member States Selectiveness on issues that hinder the culture of peace should be avoided.
Noting that the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the interdependence and interdependence of mankind as never before, he said that even during the pandemic, “we have seen an increase in intolerance, violence and terrorism.”
“Even in the midst of the pandemic, we face the ‘infodemic’ challenge, which is responsible for a rise in hate speech and sowing hatred within communities,” she said.
In June last year, India along with 12 countries co-sponsored the cross-regional statement on “infodemic” in the context of COVID-19 – the first of its kind by UN member states.
Maitra told the high level forum that a culture of peace is based on the principles of democracy, pluralism, compassion, cultural diversity, dialogue and understanding.
“India is said to be a country of ‘unity in diversity’. Our concept of pluralism is based on our ancient ethos of ‘Sarva Dharma Sambhav’, which means ‘equal respect for all religions’,” he said, as he The speech of 1893 was mentioned. By Swami Vivekananda, the great philosopher of India parliament of world religions in Chicago where he influenced India’s civilizational ethos of acknowledging the greatness of all religions.
“India is not only the birthplace of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, but also the land where the teachings of Islam, Judaism, Christianity and Zoroastrianism has taken strong roots,” she said.
“A culture of peace is the cornerstone of any global order to build inclusive and tolerant societies. Since the adoption of the United Nations Declaration and Program of Action at the behest of Bangladesh in 1999, a culture of peace has led to the promotion of multilateral action. has provided an effective blueprint. Solidarity and understanding,” she said.


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