Pakistan out of FATF gray list: Here’s what it means

Indian security forces carrying out anti-terrorist operations in Jammu and Kashmir is a regular occurrence. The security forces are constantly engaged in the fight against the terrorists of Pakistan as they create terror in Jammu and Kashmir.

Pakistan recently relieved after FATF It has been removed from its ‘grey list’. The FATF had previously put Pakistan on its gray list, with limited resources available to the country to increase its funding, which often went into the hands of terrorists in the country.

After its two-day plenary meeting in Paris, the FATF announced that Pakistan has fully completed the 34-point action plan already established. However, experts say that this is only a statistical bureaucratic exercise that Pakistan has successfully finalized.

“It’s one of those statistical bureaucratic exercises where if you tick a certain checklist, it doesn’t matter what you’ve done. It just shows that you’ve controlled terror funding somehow, and So, you are off the list, while we know that Pakistan may have found some alternative avenues of financing the same terror,” says defense analyst Abhijit Iyer Mitra.

The United States has recognized Pakistan As a base of operations for several armed, non-state terrorist groups, some of which have existed since the 1980s. Notable terrorists and other groups operating in Pakistan are of five broad, but non-exclusive types, according to the Congressional Research Service. These include world-oriented, Afghanistan-oriented, India-oriented, domestically oriented and sectarian i.e. anti-Shia.

The US State Department’s Country Report on Terrorism 2020, which was released in December 2021, notes that Pakistan did not take steps under its domestic authorities to prosecute terrorist leaders living in Pakistan.

The report further noted that Pakistan has made limited progress on the most difficult aspects of its 2015 National Action Plan to combat terrorism.

Geopolitical expert Jitendra Kumar says, “The Pakistani deep state has managed to build up the infrastructure of organized crime around the world. And they are the beneficiaries of such things. I don’t think Pakistan’s internal institutions give them a chance.” are in a position to control.” Exorcist.

There is a general consensus among security experts that many of these UN-designated terrorists run fake charity organizations that act as a mask to collect funds that will eventually be used to promote terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism. go.

These terrorists are protected by the security agencies of Pakistan, who use these organizations as their proxies.

The United States and India, both victims of terrorism, are working hard to end terrorism by imposing sanctions on its perpetrators.

Both the US and India are making efforts to blacklist these terrorists under the UN Security Council’s 1267 Al Qaeda Sanctions Committee.

Unfortunately, China, an all-time friend of Islamabad, blocks and blocks attempts by India and its allies to enlist terrorists based in Pakistan. Despite the obstacles created by China and Pakistan, India’s fight against terrorism and its perpetrators is progressing.

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