Pakistan’s true crime podcast selling Imran Khan MBS gift. this is crime master gogi

sA tug-of-war has begun in Pakistan over who will be crowned the new army chief? There’s a new magnet – the sale of the Saudi Crown Prince’s million-dollar gift set by former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan. The gift set, made by British jeweler Graff, included a diamond-studded wristwatch, ring, cufflinks and a pen. Like any true-crime podcast, the story of the pledged state’s gifts is much more scandalous, thrilling, and sensationalized than the selection of a new army chief—all of whom, by the way, wear the same uniform, if not the clock, And do what suits them best.

In our history, we have never heard of any Prime Minister selling gifts from Toshakhana in the open market. Thanks Imran Khan for the small kindness. Based on the watch-sold-bought thriller, now, we have been introduced to a buyer of the gift set in Dubai who claims he paid $2 million, while the actual price of the customized piece is pegged at $12 million. Umar Farooq Zahoor holds watch and other items in various prime time television appearances, But the former PM claims that Zahoor is not the one to whom the watch was sold. The silver lining, at least no one is refusing to sell it.

sees wins the match

If Zahoor is not the buyer then why does he have the gift that Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) gave to Imran Khan? Who is the real buyer? Definitely not MBS. nor the derelict shop in Islamabad called the Art of Time Raw receipts Submitted as official evidence. ,My gift, my wish (my gift, my choice) justification no longer works, and neither does its previous claim of “made” street By selling expensive state gifts”. Team Imran Khan in panic denies any links with Dubai-based businessman, calls Zahoor an ‘international fraudster’ criminal,

but then the sameforgerPakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) was present at official government meetings of the government. Fawad Chowdhary, who in a presser, acted effusively as not knowing Zahoor, was found together WhatsAppHe is known to have called ING Chowdhury several times to seek relief for his party’s president on these allegations, and at other times, to have informed him of more than one ‘missing’ watch. Buckle up, there are more twists and turns watch sonnet compared to a plate of spaghetti.

crime master gogi

The fascinating character in the entire saga is one named Farah Gogi, whom the Dubai-based businesswoman claims was a Graff gift and to whom she personally paid the cash. But this is not his debut. In the devious deals of the previous regime, her name (or rather the name) has cropped up – be it Farah Gogi alias Farah Gurjar or Farah Khan or Farhat Shehzadi in a strange case. Or, as nicknamed ‘Fury’ by her husband. What’s really in a name when you’re introduced as the BFF of the then First Lady? Bushra Khan and Farah Gogi can best be described as a couple who eat together, pray together and do business together. Gogi was always seen in his office with the former first lady may participateBe it visits to mental health hospitals or so called research centers of science and Sufism. Had there been Bushra, Farah would not have been far away. Both were the opening batsmen of their captain.

The world knows Lady Gaga, then Pakistan’s export Lady Gogi is running away. Gogi first shot to fame not only because of its Birkin bags hermès shoesRumors of him being the ‘real’ chief minister of Punjab, or as a front man for F to collect kickbacks on civilian and police transfers and postings in the provincefirst lady and prim minister, Gogi, don’t you dare question Arsalan’s engagement Beta will link to treachery, While Imran Khan was the first to rush to Gogi’s rescue – “that poor thing works in real estate (The poor lady works in real estate)” – Her party leaders claim We do not know Gogi. How can you not know someone who was PM’s property dealer and his favorite’s trustee al qadir Institute of ‘Higher Powers’. The university, built on 458 kanals of land donated by business tycoon Malik Riaz, was a promise made by Imran Khan spirituality (Spirituality) A super science. But three years later, it has 37 students and lakhs of rupees in charity. and we born and thought Electricity From genie, Both Bushra and Imran will put an end to our electricity bill woes.

In a leaked audio call, Malik Riaz’s daughter says that Gogi was unhappy that the former first lady was given a three-carat diamond. She argues that only a five carat The diamond would complement Bushra’s stature: “It’s no big deal for a First Lady to have a three-carat ring, and it was unfair of her (Riyaz’s daughter) to send something that belonged to anyone.” In yet another damning audio, PTI leader Aleem Khan narrates how former Director General Inter-Services Intelligence Asim Munir was removed from his post after he informed Imran Khan. bribe Malik has reached PM House in the form of a diamond set from Riaz. As luck would have it, the same Lt Gen is now at the top of the list to be the next COAS.

Now it will be a tragedy if Khan, after the ensuing revelations that several diamond sets were sold from Toshakhana, claims ignorance. For him there will be no joy in his affairs. especially when he has educated WhyOm how on ex Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak’s wife was fond of expensive necklaces and bangles and indulged in debauchery like her husband. By the way, he has been sentenced to 10 years in jail for bribery. just saying. Not to be forgotten from Khan’s treasury of wisdom: Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was questioned by the police, not the opposition – his crime? He took the state gift.

Read also: Dubai businessman claims Imran Khan’s aides sold $2 million watch gifted by Saudi Crown Prince

leader of the ummah

what started at home with the sale of Buffalo And Goats (Cattle) In the name of austerity in 2018 the Prime Minister’s house has now become a full fledged Scandal With both Mr. and Mrs. Khan maintaining-selling all their state gifts. We know that former prime ministers used to complain that their monthly salary was insufficient and they could not run their house with it. But was the situation so dire that they even had to borrow a tea set from Toshakhana for PKR 3,500?

Imagine a leader whose image is fashioned around religiosity, garlanded, and claiming to make Pakistan an ideal state of Madina. Then who sells Mecca imagery gift clocks without hesitation? ironically he is also certified Sadiq And Amen (True and Honest) by former Chief Justice Asif Khosa. Now Imran is being driven away by the slogans ofYeshari chorwatch thief by the people. Yet PTI feels that its biggest problem is to show pictures of Imran Khan on Google thief.

For over a decade, Imran has cited Hazrat Umar as a leader to whom he presented himself Accountability (“Allah gave me everything, I want nothing,” Imran said), recounted fables about wearing tattered salwar kameez and introduced himself as the next Tayyip Erdogan. The tallest leader of the Muslim Ummah who promised to respect the green passport had no time to dwell on the prices tomatoes, onions Because he was too busy working as an ambassador for OLX. I wonder how the real leaders of the ummah feel about being cheated of their gifts by the Pakistani PM.

The writer is a freelance journalist from Pakistan. His Twitter handle is @nalainayat. Thoughts are personal.

(Edited by Hamra Like)