Palestinian rocket fire fuels Israeli airstrikes in Gaza – Times of India

Jerusalem: Palestinian terrorists fired a rocket at a city in the southern city Israel On Saturday, drawing out Israeli air strikes, the Israeli military said, after months of relative calm in the area.
There was no immediate report of casualties in Gaza Or Israel, which intercepted rockets launched toward the city of Ashkelon, set off air raid sirens and sent residents to bomb shelters.
Israel said the rocket was fired by Hamas, the Islamist extremist group that controls Gaza. There was no immediate reaction from Hamas and no claim of responsibility from any of the other enclave’s extremist groups.
“In response to the rocket attack, Israel Defense Force The plane hit several Hamas terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip.
The Israel-Gaza border has been relatively calm since May 2021, when Israeli and Palestinian militants fought an 11-day war.
Although Saturday’s cross-border fires did not indicate a widespread escalation, violence in the occupied West Bank and Israel has increased in recent months.
On Friday, Israeli troops killed three Palestinian gunmen in the West Bank city of Jenin, where military raids have been intensified after people from the region carried out several deadly street attacks in Israel.
Hamas said one of the gunmen was among its members, while another terrorist group that attracts members of the Palestinian faction Islamic Jihadi Told the slain gunmen as his own.
US-brokered peace talks aimed at establishing a Palestinian state in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza collapsed in 2014 and show no sign of their revival.
us President Joe Biden Israeli and Palestinian leaders are expected to meet during a visit to the region in July.