‘Pandemic not over’: New delta variant causes concern in UK amid rise in Covid cases – Times of India

New Delhi: A new mutation of delta Amidst the recent spurt in corona virus infection, a variant of Kovid-19 in the UK has been worrying.
stress, called Delta AY 4.2, is classified as a variant under investigation (VUI) by the UK, following evidence that it spreads more quickly than the dominant delta variant.
So far, it is not clear whether the variant causes a more severe form of Covid or makes the current crop of vaccines less effective.
As is the case with any new VUI, UK Health Protection Agency (UKHSA) said it is conducting laboratory and epidemiological investigations to better understand these types of properties.
UKHSA chief executive Dr Jenny Harris said: “Viruses mutate frequently and randomly, and it is not unexpected that new variants will continue to arise as the pandemic progresses, especially when case rates remain high.”
“It is testament to the diligence and scientific expertise of my colleagues at UKHSA and the genomic sequencing capability developed through the pandemic, that this new variant has been identified and analyzed so quickly. However, it should serve as objective evidence that this pandemic is not over,” she said.

New types account for 6% of cases
As of 20 October, there were 15,120 cases of age 4.2, also known as VUI-21OCT-01, which had been confirmed by whole genome sequences in England since it was first detected in July.
In the past week, VUI-21OCT-01 accounted for about 6 per cent of all delta cases – all confirmed through whole genome sequencing in all nine regions of England.
“The genome of VUI-21OCT-01 does not contain many mutations compared to delta. However, in some circumstances a small change may be enough to cause a difference in virus properties. UKHSA is monitoring this closely ,” the health agency in-charge to assess the Covid variants noted.
Britain grapples with fresh surge
Meanwhile, Britain is currently battling the second-highest infection rate in the world after the United States, with more than 50,000 cases reported on Thursday – the highest since July.
On Friday, nearly 50,000 new cases were added, and 180 deaths occurred within 28 days of a positive test, bringing the total toll since the outbreak began to 139,326.
High levels of infection among school-age children are thought to be responsible for the rising rates, and have prompted some contingency measures to be reintroduced.
health secretary Sajid Javido said this week that cases could reach 100,000 a day, as a new advertising blitz was launched to encourage booster shots and flu jabs.
Concerns have been expressed about the decrease in immunity levels, given that the UK launched its vaccination campaign in December last year before many other countries.
But the government is resisting calls to wear masks again in crowded indoor spaces, even as health officials said it would cut close contact transmission and burden hospitals in the coming winter months. can help reduce
Ministers say vaccination rates have helped bridge the link between hospitalizations for more severe COVID cases and deaths.
(With inputs from PTI, AFP)


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