Parliament: The opposition will join hands in the House to take on the government before the state elections. India News – Times of India

New Delhi: Watching the link of the assembly Election Early next year in many states including Uttar Pradesh PunjabDuring the winter session, the opposition parties are preparing to unite to take on the central government on many common issues. Parliament Starting Monday.
The opposition on Friday showed unity by boycotting the Constitution Day celebrations in the Central Hall of Parliament, which was attended by President Ram Nath Kovind, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and others.
Recent Inclusion of Trinamool Congress Congress The camp had ruffled some feathers, but it appears the opposition parties do not want to let this affect their approach. BJP As in the “common challenge”.
“If Congress boycotted the Central Hall celebrations on Constitution Day, TMC Decided to abstain from it as it is a national festival, but no effort was made by the government to involve all parties and take their suggestions….
A TMC source said, “Opposition parties are preparing to strike a chord with Parliament on anti-people policies and issues against the government.” Sources denied that the episode in which Congress members had joined the TMC in Meghalaya would have a negative impact on opposition unity. “The message from the Congress after the party meeting on Thursday was positive,” the source said.
A high-voltage attack on the government is expected from opposition parties, especially since the year-long protests were led by farmers’ unions, as Parliament repealed three agriculture laws. UP and Punjab.
Sources said other issues the opposition plans to raise include “attempts to sell ONGC, the Bank Nationalization Amendment Bill, which is likely to come up, the Centre’s monetization proposal and the Pegasus spyware controversy”.
