PartyGate: Tories facing backlash in UK local elections amid backlash over PartyGate, election suggestions – Times of India

LONDON: The Conservatives are facing a defeat in the local elections to be held in Britain on Thursday. partygate and cost of living crisis.
elector find out now And election experts Electoral Calculus predict that Labour will win 3,500 seats, three times more than the Conservatives, who are predicted to win less than 1,000 council seats in England and Wales.
More than 21,000 candidates are running for election in 201 district and unitary councils, hundreds of whom are of Indian origin, both second generation and recent immigrants, as more people of Indian origin become involved in local politics in Britain.
Labor Friends of India and Conservative Friends of India both claim to have pushed more PIO candidates this time than ever before. The Conservative Friends of India (CFI) said it has been training PIOs to stand up for the past two years. Crores of PIOs are helping candidates in campaigning.
The latest poll from Electoral Calculus shows a swing of 6% from the Conservatives to Labor, with the Conservatives projected to lose control of four councils, including the City of Westminster, while Labor is predicted to gain 16 councils and lose none Has been.
Sources in Labor Friends of India told TOI that people at the doorstep wanted change as they were fed up with the “partygate” and cost of living crisis. At least 400 candidates will run as “local conservatives” on the ballot paper to separate their campaign from the national party, according to the Daily Telegraph.
Councilor Amit Jogia, co-chair of the Conservative Friends of India, said: “Tory councils can provide better value for money with lower council rates. Partygate has arrived at the doorstep but we are focusing on local issues. It is going to be a tough election but we are working hard with a strong local message.”
Find Out Now CEO Chris Holbrook said: “Our survey shows this will be a tough night for conservatives, especially as the loss of the City of Westminster will be symbolically difficult. boris johnson, There may be other Tories vying for the position to replace him, even as there are already some suggestions in the media. Local election results do not always translate into general elections. The Tories will try to argue that this is a blip driven by Partygate. Labor would suggest that this is a true change of opinion due to the scandals and cost of living woes. ,