Pasmanda Muslims Are Using Social Media to Counter Medieval Taliban Defenders

File photo of members of the Taliban delegation to Afghanistan before the signing of a deal between them and US officials in Doha, Qatar in February 2020. ANI via Reuters

Form of words:

TeaThe withdrawal of the Taliban in Afghanistan dominates the world’s geopolitics. And why not? A superpower has paved the way for a hardline, fanatical and medieval mindset group in a strategically important nation surrounded by communist states like Russia and China, and hardline religious countries Pakistan and Iran. Afghanistan’s proximity to these countries is also a matter of concern for countries around the world.

Since Afghanistan has always been an important region for India, the turmoil here is understandable. While some are viewing Afghanistan as a matter of foreign policy, others are using the new reality of Kabul to gain political mileage.

Read also: A message from Pakistani Pashtuns to Imran Khan – ‘We are not Taliban’

Ashraf and his closeness to the Taliban thought

Samajwadi Party MP statement Shafiqur Rehman Barqi, Poet Munawar Rana, and spokesperson of the Muslim Personal Law Board Maulana Sajjad NomaniHas glorified the Taliban, among others. These individuals, who claim to make such statements as representatives of all Indian Muslims, come from the ruling class of Muslim society – the Ashrafs, who constitute only one-tenth of the total Muslim population in India. And these statements are not made out of raw emotion, or without serious thought. Their direct aim is to further fuel the trend of Muslim communalism, which would eventually help Ashraf consolidate his hold on power structures and supremacy, even among indigenous Pasmanda Muslims (Muslim-faith tribals, Dalits and backward) payments. continue to do. The cost of their blood in communal riots and mob lynchings.

History tells us that the strongest voice against the so-called two nation theory and Muslim communalism has been the leadership of the indigenous Pasmanda Muslims. Asim Bihari. He stood firm against Partition till the end. Carrying forward this proud and proud tradition, various Pasmanda organizations and their activists spread across India are strongly using social media. rebuttal of statements glorifying the Taliban, Created by individuals belonging to the Ashraf community. They are also condemning the sectarian, feudal, patriarchal and medieval mindset of the Taliban.

If we look at the organizational structure of the Taliban, we will find that its racial and ethnic composition is dominated by Pathans, the people of the Pashtun tribe, who consider other tribes settled in Afghanistan, such as Hazra, Tajik, Aimaq, Turkman, Baloch. , Nuristani, Uzbek among others, to be inferior. In his eyes, Afghanistan is ‘Pathanistan’. This is the reason why the Taliban does not get the support of the entire population of Afghanistan, and anti-Taliban organizations in northern Afghanistan, where the population of Pathans is small, have started rising in protest. Vice President of Afghanistan, amrulla saleh, The one who is not a Pathan has himself refused to bow down to the Taliban.

Read also: Pakistan wants Afghanistan acceptable to the West – Islam and democracy

Deobandi thought – where does all this come from?

In India, confusion prevails over the Deobandi ideology’s links with the Taliban and Darul Uloom – the center of the Islamic seminary located in Deoband city of Saharanpur district – and its views have come under scrutiny.

As far as ideological orientation is concerned, one should not object to the fact that the Taliban are in fact staunch adherents of the Deobandi ideology.

According to the laws/orders of Islamic Sharia, there are many different interpretations of Islam, including the Deobandi school of thought (Sunni Hanafi), which remains the most prominent Islamic thought throughout the Indian subcontinent. The Barelvi ideology, which has some major spiritual differences with the Deobandi idea, also agrees with the latter in matters of governance and administration.

The Deobandi ideology in India is believed to have come from Shah Waliullah. The famous ‘Jihad’ carried out against the Sikh rule of Ranjit Singh led by Syed Ahmad Barelvi and Shah Ismail, grandson of Shah Waliullah – taught in history books as the Wahabi movement, was the starting point of the Deobandi movement. After earning some territorial profit during its first phase ‘Jihad’Syed Ahmed declared himself as Caliph and assumed the title of Amirul Mominen (Ruler of all Islamic loyalists). But shortly after, it’‘Jihad’ ended abruptly when Sikh soldiers killed and ended both the leadership Battle of Balakot. Later, to keep this ideology alive, an educational institution in the form of Islamic Madrasa was established in Deoband, Uttar Pradesh. It was not just an educational institution. In the backdrop of the defeat and downfall of the Mughal rulers, it was a tool for the ruling class (Ashraf) to maintain and maintain the power of the Muslims and the Arabic/Iranian culture and civilization.

It is Darul Uloom from where a religious-social movement emerged in the form of Tablighi Jamaat, which gradually spread all over the world as a global organization of Deobandi fundamentalism. A political movement by the name of Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind also emerged from Darul Uloom, which unsuccessfully attempted to establish the first independent Indian government in Kabul by declaring a king. Mahendra Pratap Singh As the head of state of India. Later this organization split into two factions and one section joined the movement for the creation of Pakistan. The prominent names in this faction were Maulana Shabbir Usmani, Mufti Shafi Usmani and Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi. Simultaneously, another faction under the leadership of Maulana Hussain Ahmed started opposing the demand for partition. However, the irony is that even today the Deobandi Ulema (whose names are mentioned above and who paved the way for the creation of Pakistan) continue to be the symbols of Indian Deobandis. Books and cassettes related to these are easily available in India.

The Taliban are people of the Pathan caste, who were raised and taught in some of these Deobandi madrasas in Pakistan and whose ideology resonates with the staunch Deobandi. Since Afghanistan is an open game for all, this movement is using it to create an Islamic state with Deobandi ideology through jihad and bloodshed. This project is going on in Pakistan in the name of Jamhooriyat (Democracy). In India, Ashraf Muslims have preserved and maintained their authority and Arabic/Iranian culture and civilization by pressuring the government through institutions such as Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind, Muslim Personal Law Board and Waqf Board. These institutions have nothing to do with the daily life of the deprived indigenous Pasmanda Muslims.

There may not be a direct link between Darul Uloom Deoband and Taliban, but their ideological and historical links cannot be ruled out.

Saudi Arabia is the home state of Wahhabi radical ideology, Iran is dominated by Shia radical Islamic revolutionary and now, Afghanistan, is a state completely under the influence of Deobandi radical ideology. Its major strategic and political implications for the entire region cannot be ruled out. It would be in the national interest for India to keep a close watch on the development and flourishing of these three types of radical ideologies within the country.

Fayaz Ahmed Fyzie @FayazAhmadFyzie is a columnist and social activist, and a physician by profession. Thoughts are personal.

(Edited by Anurag Choubey)

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