Pavit Singh, holder of NEET 2021 rank 23, says Kovid-19 made his dream of becoming a doctor a reality

NEET 2021 rank 23 holder Pavit Singh says covid-19 dreamed of becoming a doctor The change in classes has affected them negatively. Preparedness, the pandemic was a motivating factor for 18-year-old Pavit Singh from Chandigarh. Singh has all. has won India Rank (AIR) in 23 National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) 2021, The pandemic said, the topper motivated her to continue preparing and crack the medical entrance.

“Being a doctor was my childhood dream but the COVID-19 pandemic made me realize the serious responsibilities of my quest. It confirmed my decision to become a doctor to help others,” Pavit said. The young genius has scored 710 out of 720 in NEET 2021, the result of which was declared on November 1.

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Describing his mother, who is a doctor, as his biggest role model, Pavit said, “I have seen my mother working in my hospital since childhood. At that time, even though I did not understand his work, I was still fascinated by him. At home, I would put on a doctor’s coat, put on a stethoscope and prepare medical prescriptions.”

no strict schedule

The 18-year-old, who has joined Allen and Vedantu Institute to prepare for medical exams, said there are many ways for students to prepare for NEET. While some people study for long periods of time without taking breaks, they prefer to “not compromise on their hobbies” while focusing on their goals.

“During my preparation, I did not have a strict schedule. Every day was different – ​​a fixed seven-eight hours of sleep, three-four hours of rest, which included either watching my favorite TV show or listening to music, and even going for an evening walk with my mother. I used to study in the remaining hours, and during that time I was focused,” said Pavit, who has cleared NEET in her first attempt.

helped solve the test

Talking about preparing for NEET and her 12th board exams, the student of Shishu Niketan School said that she mostly prepared for her board from NCERT books, and for NEET, she either used her own coaching material done or online.

“Now there is a huge amount of material available online which can help the students in NEET preparation. Students need not enroll in big coaching institutes as now there are lot of online classes which can help them in exam preparation.”

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Online classes, which became a norm during the pandemic, were not new to them, but online tests were particularly difficult. “I was more worried about filling my OMR sheet. For NEET 2021 exam, now that there is an option of 20 more questions, filling the OMR becomes more difficult. I suggest students to practice giving mock teats on OMR sheets beforehand, which will help them to save time during the actual exam. It helped me a lot,” she said.

exam day strategy

Pavit started revising his subjects more than a week before the exam. On the day of the exam, he tried to get more rest so that he could concentrate more during the exam. “I did a little revision that day, but to calm myself, I watched a little TV and also chatted with my grandparents,” she said.

Pavit’s mother, 45-year-old Dr Brahmjyot Singh, a single mother, said, “While preparing for MBBS, I thought that the only way to crack the exam was to study for long hours. But Pavit proved me wrong. His formula is better. His key was to be consistent and enjoy the journey.”

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