Perestroika, glasnost and ‘no sex’: buzzwords of the Gorbachev era – Times of India

Moscow: the critical era of the former Soviet leader Mikhail GorbachevThose who have died at the age of 91 were often defined by buzzwords and slogans.
From perestroika To glasnost As for “Gorbimania,” here are five of the most famous.
Shorthand for Gorbachev’s campaign to modernize the Soviet economy and society, perestroika means change or reform.
In early 1985, Gorbachev said in a speech: “It is clear, comrades, that we all need to change. We all.”
He used a verb which means to change form while walking or to change lane while driving.
The noun perestroika is also used to refer to reconstructed buildings.
The word was taken and became a slogan encapsulating the era.
Glasnost means making information public as a matter of discussion. The term was initially used for the reforms in the Tsarist era.
Gorbachev first spoke about this in February 1986. At first it referred to ordinary Soviet citizens being able to criticize the state and Communist Party organizations.
But later the term took on an even greater meaning: the end of official censorship and the blocking of foreign radio stations, as well as the publication of previously banned literature.
A Soviet woman’s response to a question from an American on a popular talk show aired in both countries in 1986 has gone down in history as an expression of the prudence and naivety that allegedly existed in the Soviet Union.
“Ads in our country has a lot to do with sex. Do you have commercials on television?” An American woman asked at a show with an all-female studio audience hosted by Phil Donahue and Vladimir Pozner.
A woman in the audience in Leningrad, Lyudmila Ivanova, replied: “We don’t have sex and we are categorically against it.”
Another woman in the audience immediately shouts: “We have sex. We don’t have commercials!”
In 2010 Ivanova told the newspaper Metro that she had added “We are in love”, but this phrase was cut from the show.
In RussiaGorbachev is generally referred to by his name and patronymic: Mikhail Sergeyevich, But in the mid-1980s, Western media began to shorten his name to Gorby and refer to his growing popularity as “Gorbimania”.
One of Gorbachev’s most unpopular reforms aimed to address the Soviet Union’s economic woes by cutting back on excessive drinking. In 1985, a Central Committee resolution was passed and appeared in all newspapers. The slogan was “Sobriety is the ideal of life.”
To make it harder to buy alcohol, Gorbachev ordered limits on the hours that liquor could be sold in stores, leading to huge queues.
He also ordered the destruction of many of the country’s vineyards, hitting the legal beverage industry hard and encouraging people to make their own moonshine. The campaign eventually came to an end.