Period Blood Color Signs: Red, Seasons or Seasons, Seasons What are these colors? This is not a problem!

Symptoms of Menstrual Blood Color: Red and red colored blood is a sign of healthyness.

What does the color of menstrual blood mean: Getting pregnant varies all the time: seasons, changes in blood color Your health is an important place to pay attention to. The age of the woman who is changing in the changing seasons of the climate and also changes in the season about the meeting that takes place every now and then. Pregnancy and for some time is cervical. ️ KNOW ️ KNOW

What color means safe? , What do the colors of period blood mean?

1) round red

Red is the color red and red is the color of red. For example it is as it is with the color red. Such an evolution can be seen as, for example.

Bad weather, unusual extermination symptoms after dawn

2) black

This happens after the holiday time has passed. It is inherited, seen in description upon description. Because of being wrong.


3) Time

Rekindle this relationship. ,

Can be posted even after rebanging

4) Pink

If the color of the post is pon pinky or may be then there may be a possibility of cervical eyed in the blood. The increase in temperature is increasing in general.


differ in themselves. So it should be fixed as soon as possible.

Why is it coming? It may happen, these attacks may threaten


A sign of translation, messaging infection (STI), or information infection. Via this blood some strange strange smell may be felt.

Disclaimer: The content contained herein is general information. It is not a substitute for any type of doctor. Always consult an expert or doctor for more details. Claiming for news TV information.