“Permanently” closed for Gujarat, fix the system after Modi rule in Bihar.

Observer Kumar entered the poll.


Party’s (JP) Janata leader Sushil Kumar Modi had on Tuesday shut down the party’s statistic of the Indian Party. Kumar’s party cut ties with Shakti. Be happy with Kumar as they update as well as after they update and do so together with the user (United).

this also further

The former Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar launched a scathing attack on Kumar. ,

For the first time for Sushil Modi Kopanchal, the party of Public Relations Affiliate (NDA) Kumar was included. Kumar told the party that in 2017 “after affiliating once again”.

Sushil claimed that after Kumar was accepted as “20 members again this time, he would personally consider.” have been permanently closed.

Examine the microscope camera with an interesting look. Kumar said, “When kept in Sushilji’s cleanliness. ho kayta me me pu pa pu those those ktama get some some some some some some that that that that that that that that that the mill the mill get the get get get something

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