Personal Loan: What are the benefits of automatic payments?

Automating your personal loan payments is an excellent method for simplifying your finances and efficiently managing your debt. There are several advantages to setting up automatic payments for your personal loan:

  • Convenience: It eliminates one worry! You won’t run the risk of missing a payment because of forgetfulness or a hectic schedule. Juggling one consolidated payment is much simpler than keeping tabs on multiple due dates and minimum payments for different debts. Numerous lenders offer the option to establish automatic payments for your loan. This guarantees that your payments are consistently made on time every month, alleviating concerns about missed payments and potential late fees.
  • Timely payments: Utilising automatic payments ensures that your loan installment is paid promptly each month, shielding you from late fees and penalties. Missing payments on your personal loan can lead to hefty late fees, adding a substantial burden to your repayment responsibilities. Automatic payments mitigate this risk by guaranteeing your payment is made punctually each month. Timely payments play a crucial role in determining your credit score.
  • Enhanced credit score: Making timely payments significantly contributes to a favourable credit score. Utilising automatic payments aids in establishing a positive credit history. Automatic payments ensure your consolidated loan payment is made on time each month, fostering a consistent track record of punctual payments that significantly influence your credit score, potentially leading to substantial improvements over time.

Debt consolidation can also positively impact your credit utilisation ratio, which is another crucial factor in determining your credit score. This ratio compares your total revolving debt (such as credit cards and lines of credit) to your credit limit. By paying off high-interest credit card balances with a personal loan, you’re likely to reduce your overall credit utilisation, potentially giving your credit score a boost.

  • Peace of mind: Having your loan payment automated can alleviate stress and provide a sense of security regarding your financial situation. Managing multiple debts and keeping track of due dates can be a persistent source of concern. Debt consolidation simplifies this process, and automatic payments relieve you of the burden of remembering to make payments. Combining debt consolidation with automatic payments can help you regain control of your finances. With a clear repayment plan and automated payments, you can stay on course. This reduced stress and enhanced sense of control can greatly boost your overall financial health. You’ll have the mental capacity to concentrate on other financial objectives and feel more assured about your financial prospects.

Here are a couple of points to remember:

  • Adequate funds: Ensure that your account has sufficient funds to cover the automatic payment every month. Insufficient funds could result in bank fees and a possible default on your loan.
  • Monitor your account: Despite having automatic payments, it’s crucial to regularly check your loan statements to ensure everything is functioning properly.

When you merge debt consolidation with automatic payments, a structured budget, and a robust emergency fund, you can attain a heightened feeling of financial security.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What’s the maximum personal loan amount I can manage comfortably given my income and expenses?

The following steps will help you estimate how much personal loan you can comfortably afford:

  • Calculate your total monthly income: Include your salary, wages, and any other consistent income sources.
  • Calculate your total monthly expenses: This covers essential costs like housing, groceries, utilities, transportation, as well as discretionary spending such as entertainment and hobbies.
  • Account for existing debt payments: Include minimum monthly payments for any existing loans, credit cards, or other debts.
  • Use the debt-to-income (DTI) ratio: This is a key metric lenders use to evaluate your ability to manage additional debt. Calculate your DTI by dividing your total monthly debt payments by your gross monthly income. Aim for a DTI ratio below 30% for better affordability.

Q. Is it more important to prioritise a lower interest rate or a shorter loan term?

Deciding between prioritising a lower interest rate or a shorter loan term for your personal loan hinges on your financial objectives and preferences. Here’s an analysis of the advantages and drawbacks of each option to assist you in making a choice:

Lower interest rate


  • Savings over time: Opting for a lower interest rate means paying less overall for the loan, especially significant for larger amounts or extended terms.
  • Reduced monthly payment: A lower interest rate usually leads to a more manageable monthly payment, freeing up funds for other expenses or savings.


  • Extended repayment period: Choosing a lower interest rate may prolong your debt duration, which might not align with a desire to clear debt quickly.
  • Risk of increased spending: Lower monthly payments might tempt overspending elsewhere, offsetting the benefits of a reduced interest rate.

Shorter loan term


  • Quicker debt clearance: Paying off the loan sooner eliminates the debt and associated interest faster, offering financial peace sooner.
  • Accelerated credit score improvement: Timely payments over a shorter term can enhance your credit score more rapidly.


  • Higher monthly payment: Shorter terms often come with higher monthly payments, potentially straining your budget if not planned for.
  • Limited flexibility: Increased monthly payments may restrict financial flexibility for other needs or savings objectives.

Consider these additional factors in your decision-making:

  • Loan size: The impact of interest rates is more pronounced for larger loans; for smaller amounts, the difference between rates might be less significant.
  • Your financial discipline: Concerns about overspending may favor a shorter term to enforce quicker repayment.
  • Your financial aspirations: Prioritising rapid debt clearance suggests a shorter term, while needing payment flexibility leans toward a lower interest rate.

Strive for a balanced approach, seeking a loan with a competitive interest rate and a term that aligns with your budget. This strategy minimises interest costs while ensuring a reasonable timeframe for debt freedom.

Q. What charges come with personal loans?

Personal loans commonly entail various fees alongside the interest rate applied to the borrowed sum. Below are some typical fees associated with personal loans in India:

Origination fee

This one-time fee, levied by the lender, covers the processing and initiation of your loan application. It usually ranges from 1% to 6% or higher, contingent upon your creditworthiness and the lender’s policies. Certain lenders may offer no-origination-fee loans, though these might involve a slightly elevated interest rate.

Processing fee

This charge encompasses the administrative expenses related to processing your loan application, such as document verification and income validation. It may be a fixed amount or a percentage of the loan amount.

Late payment fee

Missing a loan installment often incurs a late payment fee, intended to discourage delayed payments. The fee structure can vary, either as a fixed amount or a percentage of the missed payment.

Prepayment penalty

While not universal, some lenders impose a penalty for repaying the loan early, before the designated term concludes. This penalty is typically a percentage of the remaining loan balance.

Additional possible fees

  • Credit check fee: Certain lenders may charge for conducting a credit check during the application process.
  • Bounce charges: If a loan payment attempt fails due to insufficient funds, the lender may apply bounce charges.

Q. Is it possible to repay my personal loan early without incurring any penalties?

Whether or not you can settle your personal loan early without facing penalties hinges on the terms outlined by your lender in India. Here’s a breakdown to help you understand the possibilities:

  • No prepayment penalty: In favorable cases, lenders may grant personal loans without imposing any penalty for early repayment. This means you can clear the entire loan amount before its due date without being charged extra. Such an arrangement allows you to eliminate debt sooner and potentially save on interest, especially if you come across a better interest rate elsewhere.
  • Possible prepayment penalty: Some lenders may levy a fee for settling your loan before the scheduled tenure ends. This penalty can either be a percentage of the remaining balance or a fixed amount. The specifics of this penalty, including its calculation method, depend on your lender’s policies as outlined in your loan agreement.
  • Limited prepayment window: Certain lenders permit early repayment but only after a set period from the loan’s initiation (e.g., six months or one year). Attempting to prepay during this initial phase might result in a penalty being applied.

Q. What are the consequences of missing a payment on a personal loan?

Missing a personal loan payment can set off a chain of negative consequences, impacting both your finances and credit score. Here’s a breakdown of what could happen:

  • Late payment fee: Expect to incur a late payment fee, which is a penalty charged by the lender for missing your due date. This fee can vary, ranging from a fixed amount to a percentage of the missed payment.
  • Additional interest charges: On top of the late fee, you may also face additional interest charges on the overdue amount, increasing the overall cost of repaying your loan.
  • Credit score impact: Missing a loan payment gets reported to credit bureaus, leading to a negative mark on your credit report. This can substantially lower your credit score, making it harder and costlier to secure future loans or credit cards.
  • Debt collection: If your payment remains overdue for a certain period, typically 30 to 60 days, the lender or a collection agency they employ may start contacting you to recover the outstanding amount. These calls can be stressful and intrusive.
  • Loan default: Persistently missed payments, especially if you’re significantly behind (often 90 days or more), could result in your loan being declared in default. This escalates the severity of the situation, potentially leading to legal actions or asset seizures to recover the debt.




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Published: 07 May 2024, 11:31 AM IST