Petition in Supreme Court demanding strict population control law

The petition states that there is a need to control the population explosion to secure the basic rights of the citizens.

The petition states that there is a need to control the population explosion to secure the basic rights of the citizens.

A Mathura resident has asked the Supreme Court to direct the government to “explore the feasibility” of enacting a “stricter population control law”.

Petitioner Devkinandan Thakur said such a law would protect the fundamental rights of citizens, including “clean” air, water, food, health and shelter as well as the “right to peaceful sleep”. Mr Thakur said women in particular have suffered “extremely great” injuries due to the population explosion.

“The impact of repeated childbearing on women is rarely highlighted outside niche areas,” the petition said.

“The incidence of grand plurality, defined as more than four viable births in developing countries such as India, is 20% while in developed countries it is only 2%”, it said.

government stand

In December 2020, in a similar petition, . was filed by Advocate Ashwini UpadhyayThe the government clarified That it was against forcing couples to have a “fixed number of children” to prevent a population explosion.

In fact, the government said the period between 2001-2011 saw the sharpest decline in decadal growth among Indians in 100 years.

“The family welfare program in India is voluntary in nature, which enables couples to decide their family size and adopt family planning methods of their choice, without any compulsion,” the Union Ministry of Health and Family said. Kalyan had said in an affidavit.

It said that India was a signatory to the Program of Action (PoA) of the International Convention on Population and Development, 1994, which was categorically against coercion in family planning.

“Indeed, international experience shows that any coercion for a certain number of children is counterproductive and leads to demographic distortions,” the ministry explained.

“Population explosion is more dangerous than bomb blast and without implementing effective population control measures Healthy India, Saakshar India, Prosperous India, Resourceful India, Strong India, Safe India, Sensitive India, Clean India and Corruption and Crime free India campaign win Gaya “did not succeed,” Mr Upadhyay made a strong appeal in the court.