Pickle or Chutney – Which is healthier? All you need to know

The humble Indian meal is incomplete without a myriad of delicious accompaniments. Be it some yummy raita or the humble pickle, these pair well with rice, roti and even one-pot meals like biryani or khichdi! Somehow, we always have a ready stock of pickles, chutneys and other delicacies in our homes to enjoy every day. There are also many variations and versions depending on what part of the country we are in. But have you ever stopped to think which one of your favorite Indian accompaniments is actually healthy? Is pickle preferred health-wise or is chutney a more nutritious option? Here’s everything you want to know.

What is the difference between pickle and chutney?

For the uninitiated, pickles or pickles refer to vegetables and spices preserved so that they last longer. They are usually marinated in oil or vinegar, or even just in salt. Meanwhile, chutney is a condiment or a dip made by pureeing or blending vegetables, and herbs and adding seasoning or tadka over it.

What are the benefits of chutney?

Believe it or not, the humble chutney has tons of health benefits. It has excellent fiber content and is also rich in vitamins and minerals that may promote skin and eye health. Chutney can also help in providing protection against diseases and infections. Consultant nutritionist Rupali Dutta reveals, “Chutney is made from fresh vegetables and herbs like coriander and is undoubtedly a healthy food. It can also serve as an excellent replacement for fatty spreads or dips.”

click here To read more benefits of chutney.

Also Read: These 7 Homemade Chutney Recipes Are Great To Have With Your Meals

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What are the benefits of pickle?

Homemade pickles are also known to be an excellent source of antioxidants and healthy bacteria. Apart from increasing the taste and flavor of the food, pickle is also helpful in making the digestion process of our body easier. “Pickles are fermented and contain a lot of healthy bacteria, and thus can be used as a good probiotic,” explains Rupali Dutta.

Learn about more health benefits of pickles Here,

Also Read: 13 Best Pickle Recipes | easy pickle recipe


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Pickle or Chutney – Which is Healthier?

Now the question arises that in terms of health, which one should we choose between pickle or chutney? Is pickle healthier or would chutney be more nutritious? According to experts, both are healthy in their own way and both have their own advantages and disadvantages. Dutta said, “Everything has its own advantages and disadvantages. Pickles contain a lot of oil and salt, which are used to preserve. contains too much salt or sugar.” Thus, it is always a good idea to pair them with a main dish and not as a substitute for it. Dutta warns, “You must remember to have them only as accompaniments and to control the portion size of the serving. Consume judiciously.”

Apart from this, you can also use some healthy cooking methods and ingredients in making both pickle and chutney. There are many zero-oil pickles that you can make at home. click here For Zero-Oil Pickle Recipe. You can use fresh, healthy ingredients like curry leaves, mint leaves and many more to make chutney. Keep sugar and salt to a minimum and enjoy the refreshing taste in its natural form! click here For some healthy chutney recipes.

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