Pig who escaped from America was sent home by the police on the pretext of fruit snacks

Police stated that Albert had escaped through a gate that had been left open.

A 300-pound potbellied pig named Albert was lost on the west side of Green Bay in the US state of Wisconsin, so authorities used the only surefire tactic they knew of: luring him home with fruit snacks.

In a post about the incident on Facebook, the Green Bay Police Department said that “Albert’s big city adventure took place on a hot and sunny Monday. Albert saw an opportunity to explore the city when his fence gate was accidentally left open.” Went.”

“The officers who saw Albert were immediately able to see that he seemed a little lost. When Albert was questioned about where he lived, his muzzle was not pointing him in the right direction.”

The post continued, “To help Albert find his way, officers went door-to-door asking if anyone recognized him. It didn’t take long, as one of Albert’s neighbors knew the way to go.” Was. But once we found the mother.” , she knew Albert was going to cut short their big city adventure under only one condition: a breakfast of fruit.”

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