Pizza, chips and other processed foods can affect your memory; study shows

The very idea of ​​chips, pizza, pastries etc makes us cry. But the health issues associated with these processed foods often take us a step back. By now, we all know that excessive consumption of ultra-processed foods leads to many lifestyle related problems including weight gain, diabetes, blood pressure and more. But did you know that it can also affect your memory? Yes, you heard us. A new study has found that a diet rich in highly processed food may be linked to signs of memory loss. The study was conducted on aging mice and the findings were published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity.

Researchers found that “the brains of mice aged four weeks on a diet of highly processed food had a strong inflammatory response that was accompanied by behavioral signs of memory loss,” reads an ANI report. He is not everything. It was also found that replacing processed foods with the omega-3 fatty acid DHA reduced inflammatory effects in older rats. However, no such cognitive issues were found in young rats fed a diet rich in processed food.

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“The fact that we’re seeing these effects so quickly is a little alarming,” said senior study author Ruth Barrientos, an investigator at The Ohio State University Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research and associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral health. He adds that the findings also indicated that processed diets may lead to sudden memory loss and rapid memory decline in older people, which can lead to Alzheimer’s-like disease.

Ruth Barrientos said, “By being aware of this, perhaps we can limit processed foods in our diets and increase our consumption of foods rich in the omega-3 fatty acid DHA to either halt that progress.” or slow down.”

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Here are 5 other side effects of a highly processed diet:

1. It increases weight and increases obesity.

2. Excess consumption of junk food can increase the level of blood pressure.

3. Processed foods often promote diabetes.

4. It can increase the level of bad cholesterol in your body.

5. Many studies have also found negative effects on our mood – it can often lead to depression.

This is why experts suggest that a healthy and balanced diet is essential to maintain good health. But always remember that before adopting any kind of lifestyle change, consult an expert.

(Note: other side effects not mentioned in this article are part of the study)


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