PM Modi, Priyanka Chopra on Bihar Covid jab list in glaring data fraud

When the names of public figures were shown in the list – PM Modi, Sonia Gandhi, Priyanka Chopra


Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Sonia Gandhi, Priyanka Chopra – these are not dignitaries at a government event, but a list of people allegedly vaccinated for Covid in Bihar’s Arwal district, in a shocking spate of data fraud Thanks for the case.

Two computer operators have been suspended after inspecting the list of people uploaded on the vaccination portal at Karpi Community Health Center recently.


The list shows several entries in the names of public figures.

The list featured several entries named after public figures including Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Sonia Gandhi, Priyanka Chopra and Akshay Kumar.

Embarrassed by the viral video showing these lists, the local administration has ordered an inquiry.

District magistrate J Priyadarshini said the probe would probe how and on whose instructions the data fraud took place. “It is a very serious matter. We are trying very hard to speed up testing and vaccination and then such irregularities are happening. Not just in Karpi, we will look at all the health centres. An FIR will be registered, we Will take action and set a standard.”

He said the matter had come to the fore during an inspection recently. “Two operators have been dropped, but I am of the opinion that others should also be probed,” he said.


The incident took place in Karpi of Arwal district of Bihar.

Bihar Health Minister Mangal Pandey said that as soon as the matter came to the notice of his department, two computer operators who were responsible for data entry have been sacked. “I have spoken to the district magistrate and the chief medical officer and also asked them to look at the data of other hospitals in the hospitals to ensure that there is no error. If so, those responsible will be punished as per law. Will be done. We take it. Very seriously, action will be taken if more such cases come to the fore.”

The health minister was also questioned about another instance of data fraud in Patna in which people arriving at vaccination centers to pick up their second pockets were told that they had already received both the doses.

Responding to the question, the minister said, “These are technical matters. We cannot leave room for errors in this system. If you commit any error, you will face action,” he said.
