PM Modi took tough decisions accusing the opposition of ‘political deceit’

In an interview to Open magazine, Modi attacked his political rivals for decisions such as the new agricultural reform laws, the rollout of GST and Aadhaar, and the construction of a new Parliament building, as he accused them of doing U- . Initiating and launching a malicious campaign for political reasons after previously promising or advocating similar measures.

“Look at those opposing pro-farmer reforms today, and people will see the real meaning of “intellectual dishonesty and political deceit” (political deceit), he said.

“It is one thing if a political party makes a promise and is unable to fulfill it, but what is a “particularly undesirable” and “disgusting” characteristic is that some of these parties make promises along the lines of reforms enacted by their government. And they have now taken a U-turn and spread “the most malicious kind of misinformation on the promises they made”, he said.

“These were the same people who wrote in their manifesto that they would implement the same reforms that we brought in. Yet, just because some other political party, blessed by the will of the people, is doing the same reform, they created a It is a complete U-turn and in an open display of intellectual dishonesty, completely ignore what will benefit the farmers and demand only what they think will benefit them politically,” Modi said.

He said that his government is committed to empower small farmers.

The ruling BJP has said that several opposition parties, including the Congress, had promised agricultural reforms similar to those implemented by the Modi government, but are now backing opposition to the new laws for selfish political reasons.

A section of farmers, especially in Punjab and parts of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, are protesting against the laws whose implementation has been stopped.

The prime minister said similar “political deceit” can be seen when it comes to important matters like Aadhaar, GST, agricultural laws and even arming our security forces.

“Don’t you think political parties were making fun of themselves when their members talked about the need for a new parliament, with previous speakers saying a new parliament was needed? But if someone tries to do so, So they protest it by making something Sorry, how accurate is that?” He answered a question about his government’s reforms in distressed sectors such as agriculture and labour.

“The things that the people of India are entitled to, the benefits they should have got decades ago, have not yet reached them. India should not be put in a position where it has to wait any longer for those things,” he said. “What this country and its citizens deserve, we should give them. And for this we should take big decisions and take tough decisions when needed.”

The prime minister said his government has been saying from the beginning that it is ready to sit down with the protesting agricultural bodies to discuss issues on which there is disagreement.

“Many meetings have also been held in this regard but so far no one has expressed any significant disagreement on the point that we want to change it,” he said.

Modi said politics in India has seen only one model under which governments were run to form the next government, while his fundamental thinking is different as he believes in running the government for nation building.

“It has been a tradition to run the government to make your party win, but my aim is to run the government to make my country win,” he said.

Referring to his government’s measures such as distributing LPG cylinders and building toilets for the poor or promoting digital payments, he said that many sections of India’s political class see people through the lens of “raj shakti” (power of government). While see through, he sees them as “Jana Shakti” (Power of the people).

He made a distinction between his government and the previous governments, saying that the earlier governments were originally formed under the leadership of a person from the “Congress gotra”.

“And that is why, for each of them, there was no difference between their political thought process and economic thought process. Atalji was given an opportunity by the people, but he did not have an absolute majority. It was a coalition government. I I am fortunate that this is the first non-Congress government to which the people gave absolute majority.It means the people of this country voted for complete change.

The Prime Minister also said that India has performed better than many developed countries in dealing with the COVID pandemic.

In an outspoken attack on those criticizing his government for its handling of the COVID pandemic, he said, “However, we have vested interests whose sole aim is to tarnish India’s name. COVID is a global pandemic affecting all countries equally. There was a crisis. Despite such negative campaigns, in this scenario, India has fared better than its peers and many developed countries.”

He said that the biggest lesson from the fight against Kovid is that India has a tremendous ability to unite, find a common purpose, come together and give when needed.

He said that from being a net importer of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) kits, India has now become one of the largest manufacturers across the world.

“Imagine if our country had not come up with a vaccine. What would have been the situation? We know that a large population of the world does not have COVID vaccines. Today, our success in vaccination is due to India’s self-reliance ( self-sufficient),” he said.

Modi also said that he attaches great importance to criticism as it is his firm belief that it helps in his own healthy development.

“I respect critics with honest mind. But, unfortunately, the number of critics is very few. Mostly, people just make allegations, the number of people who play games about perception is high. And, the reason for this Is it that criticism takes a lot of hard work, research, and in today’s fast paced world people probably don’t have time. So sometimes, I miss critics.”

After years of mandated reforms, his government initiated reforms through conviction, Modi said, noting that it had made efforts in established sectors such as insurance, agriculture and labor during the COVID period, or for the future such as telecommunications and space. areas also practiced.

He said, “Our reforms are aimed not only at achieving our economic objective of Atmanirbhar Bharat, but also to focus on Ease of Living, which unlike earlier governments took economic reforms through a narrow prism of facilitating business ventures. looked through,” he said.

This story has been published without modification in text from a wire agency feed. Only the title has been changed.

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