PM Sharif slams Joe Biden over ‘Pakistan is one of the most dangerous countries’ remarks: ‘Unnecessary remarks’

New Delhi: Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif on Saturday (October 15, 2022) hit back at US President Joe Biden’s remarks on the country’s nuclear weapons security that “Pakistan is one of the most dangerous countries in the world” and called it “factually incorrect and misleading”. Told. Recently at an event in Washington, Biden called Pakistan “one of the most dangerous countries in the world” because it has “nuclear weapons without coherence”. Responding to the US President’s remarks, Sharif said That Pakistan has proved to be one of the ‘most responsible’ nuclear states in the past decades.

Sharif’s office quoted him as saying, “Over the past decades, Pakistan has proved to be one of the most responsible nuclear states, where its nuclear program is managed through a technically sound and foolproof command and control system.”

He said Pakistan has also consistently demonstrated responsible leadership of its nuclear-weapon capability, marked by a very strong commitment to global standards, including those of the IAEA on non-proliferation, security and security.

In an apparent reference to India, the Prime Minister of Pakistan said that the real threat to international peace and security is hyper-nationalism, human rights violations in areas that are struggling against illegal occupation, violation of global norms by some states. , frequent nuclear security incidents and arms races between major nuclear weapon states and the introduction of new security constructs that upset the regional balance.

Sharif said Pakistan and the US have a long history of friendly and mutually beneficial relations.

“At a time when the world is facing great global challenges, it is extremely important that genuine and sustainable efforts are made to recognize the true potential of the Pakistan-US relationship while avoiding unnecessary remarks,” he said. It is our sincere desire to cooperate with the United States to promote regional peace and security.

He also took to his official Twitter account and said, “I repeat categorically: Pakistan is a responsible nuclear state and we are proud that our nuclear assets have the best security measures in accordance with IAEA requirements. We take these safeguards to the utmost. Take it seriously. Let no one have any doubts.”

‘I am shocked’: Bilawal Bhutto on Joe Biden’s ‘Pakistan is one of the most dangerous countries’ remarks

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari also reacted to Joe Biden’s remarks that “Pakistan is one of the most dangerous countries” and said he was “shocked”. In a press conference, he said that Pakistan is following global standards.

“As far as the safety and security of Pakistan’s nuclear assets are concerned, we meet all international standards in accordance with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),” he said.

Bilawal said he discussed the issue of Biden’s statement with Prime Minister Sharif and “we have called the United States Ambassador to Pakistan, Donald Blom, to the Pakistan Foreign Office for an official demarcation”.

“I am shocked by President Biden’s remarks. I believe this is exactly the same kind of misunderstanding that arises when there is a lack of engagement,” Bilawal said.

Imran Khan slams US over Joe Biden’s ‘Pakistan is one of the most dangerous countries’ remarks

Meanwhile, former Prime Minister Imran Khan, who blamed the US for his expulsion, slammed Washington and blamed the Shahbaz Sharif government for Joe Biden’s controversial statement.

“I have 2 questions on this: 1. On what information has @POTUS come to this unreasonable conclusion on our nuclear capability, when, as Prime Minister, I know we have the most secure nuclear command and control system 2. Unlike the US which has been involved in wars around the world, when has Pakistan shown aggression after denuclearization? He said in a tweet.

“Equally short, this Biden statement reflects the total failure of the imported government’s foreign policy and claims of a ‘reset of relations with America’? Is it a ‘reset’? This government has broken all records of incompetence, ” They said.

He also said that the new government will not only destroy the economy but will also compromise on the security of the country.

(with agency input)