PM to hold review meeting with districts with low vaccine coverage on Wednesday

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will hold a review meeting with districts with low immunization coverage on November 3, the Prime Minister’s Office informed on Sunday.

“Soon after returning to the country after attending the G20 summit and COP26, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will hold a review meeting through video conferencing with districts with low immunization coverage on November 3 at 12 noon,” the PMO said.

Districts with less than 50 percent coverage of the first dose and less than the coverage of the second dose of Kovid vaccine will be covered in the meeting.

Prime Minister Modi will interact with District Magistrates of more than 40 districts of Jharkhand, Manipur, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya and districts with low immunization coverage.

Chief Ministers of these states will also be present on this occasion.

The cumulative number of vaccine doses administered in the country crossed 106 crore on Saturday. About 62 lakh vaccine doses were administered till 7 pm on Saturday.

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