Police asked to stop slapping hefty fines on autorickshaws

Madurai city Autorickshaw Drivers Association affiliated to Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) has appealed to the Madurai City Police to stop slapping heavy fines on autorickshaws.

In a statement, its functionary R. Deivaraj said that the city police had been imposing fines in the range of ₹500 to ₹4,000 on autorickshaws for the past four days. Stating that the auto drivers were doing their job against odds such as price rise and they also had to pay school fees for their wards for the new academic year. The hefty fine by the police added to their burden, he said.

Besides, for violators of traffic rules, the police should resort to imposing fine amounts only after an enquiry as even parked autorickshaws faced penalty, he added.