Police foil Telugu Desam Party’s BC organisations plan to seize Rajahmundry Central Jail

Police foiled the plans of the activists of Telugu Desam Party (TDP) affiliated BC organisations who proposed to lay a siege around Rajahmundry Central Prison on October 17.

Leaders of the BC organisations of the Opposition party, from various districts across the State, planned to lay a siege to the Central Jail in the name of ‘Jail Bharo’.

The BC leaders, who proposed ‘Jail Bharo’ in Rajahmundry, communicated through various social media groups. They planned to gather in Rajahmundry and gather at the jail in which former Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu was sent for judicial remand, said Eluru Range Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Police, G.V.G. Ashok Kumar.

“The protestors led by former Minister Kollu Ravindra and others, circulated SMS and chats in various groups and planned for the agitation in Rajahmundry,” Krishna district Superintendent of Police (SP), Palle Joshua told The Hindu on Tuesday.

Notice served

As a precautionary measure, the police took Mr. Ravindra into preventive custody. The leaders took four function halls for lease and planned to stay in Rajahmundry for three days.

“Leaders of the BC organisations sketched a plan to march towards the Central Jail, lay a siege and express their protest condemning the arrest and remand of Mr. Naidu. We served notice under Section 151 Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPc) to Kollu Ravindra and arrested him as a preventive measure,” Mr. Joshua said. 

Meanwhile, the police and the jail authorities stepped up security in Rajahmundry and at the Central Jail, in view of the TDP leaders’ plans for Jail Bharo.