Police issued guidelines for DJ parties

Police has issued guidelines regarding organizing DJ parties in hotels, restaurants and bars of the city.

District police chief (Thiruvananthapuram city) Nagaraju C has said that information about people sponsoring DJ parties and concerts in bars and hotels should be provided to the police in advance.

If the program is being held in an open place, permission should be obtained for the use of microphone as per law. Organizers should have decibel meters to ensure that mics are being used within permissible limits.

The details of the people present at each event should be entered in a register. Management should keep copies of identification documents containing name, address, photo ID and proof of age for each individual.

Police clearance for employees

It is desirable for all hotel or bar staff to obtain a police clearance certificate. If they indulge in criminal activities in connection with the functioning of the establishment, the management will be held responsible for the same.

CCTV cameras should be installed at the entrance, parking area and exit of the venue. Back-up views should be stored for six months.

Under no circumstances should drugs, weapons or other prohibited substances be allowed inside the establishments. There should be a time limit for serving food and beverages and any violation will lead to legal action.

Driving under the influence of alcohol is prohibited. A statement from the city police said it is desirable that those who have consumed alcohol are dropped at their destination in vehicles for their safety at the instigation of the management.