Political deadlock continues in Sri Lanka

Speculation intensifies on Gotabaya’s whereabouts; SJB says Premadasa should be interim president

Speculation intensifies on Gotabaya’s whereabouts; SJB says Premadasa should be interim president

Sri Lanka was full of speculation on Monday President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s whereaboutsand uncertainty over the island’s political future, two days after citizens held unprecedented protests against the two leaders. Economic Crisis,

President Gotabaya, who has had promised to resign on July 13.Was flown to an airport near the main international airport at Katunayake, near Colombo on Monday, AFP informed of. When Hindu Spokesmen for the island’s Civil Aviation Authority and Air Force were contacted, both of which said they were unaware of such developments.

official word

There has been no official word from the office of the President on his current location, except a statement that all messages issued by President Gotabaya will now be issued by the President. “Therefore, kindly request that only the announcements issued by the Speaker be treated as official announcements issued by the President,” the Presidential Media Division said. Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abhaywardhana, who had earlier said BBC That the president was in a “contiguous country” and was expected to return by Wednesday, later backtracked on the statement. “I made a mistake,” he said, fueling rumors of the president’s “escape” by moving the country to the Gulf capital.

Meanwhile, the president called a meeting of party leaders for the second time as angry protesters attacked the homes and offices of the president and prime minister on Saturday, in a dramatic takeover of buildings, prompting both leaders to agree to resign. . Neither of them has formally resigned yet, but the opposition is in talks to form A. caretaker government with all partiesfor a short period.

Opposition leader Sajith Premadasa, who leads the Samagi Jana Balvegaya (SJB or United People’s Power), said President Gotabaya, PM Ranil Wickremesinghe and the ruling party have “lost legitimacy”. We will form a new government with a new President and a new PM. All those opposing this process will be responsible for the ensuing chaos,” he said in a tweet on Monday.

“As the largest opposition party, we believe that any interim government we form should be headed by Sajith Premadasa as President,” SJB MP Eran Wickramaratne said.

fringe element

“We are very clear that this should be an interim, short-term arrangement to address urgent economic issues. We should go to the polls soon because the people should be given the opportunity to mandate us. Otherwise, the fringe elements will occupy the space. can try,” he said. Hindu,

The SJB, with about 50 seats in the 225-member parliament, is relying on “independent” lawmakers and disgruntled members of the ruling camp to join its ranks and field a prime ministerial candidate, but political sources said They were far from an agreement. on this subject. At the meeting of party leaders on Monday, it was also decided that President Gotabaya should resign on 13 July, as assured by him, Parliament would be called on 15 July. A presidential nomination will be held on 19 July and a parliamentary vote will be held on 20 July.