Political tension escalates in Odisha as BJD-BJP war of words over gas price hike, law and order situation

Last Update: March 02, 2023, 22:31 IST

The politics of the state has heated up over the hike in gas prices and the law and order situation. While the BJP is furious over the police attack on BJP workers, the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) hit out at the BJP against the Centre’s decision to hike LPG prices by Rs 50 in the country. BJD MLA Soumya Ranjan Patnaik criticized the Modi government over the gas price hike. The BJP said that instead of talking about the failure of the state government, it is now talking about increasing the gas price.

Patnaik said that people are facing a lot of problems due to the increase in prices. In 2014, the price of LPG was Rs 450, now it is Rs 1145. The price has increased three times in the last 8-9 years, putting an additional burden on the common people. The Center has cut the additional 5 kg rice given during the Kovid lockdown and now they have increased the gas prices.

Responding to the allegation, BJP’s Mohan Manjhi said that the price of gas has increased due to international price hike.

Patnaik said, ‘It seems as if the Prime Minister does not want any welfare for the poor. He may want to eat raw rice instead of cooked. I strongly oppose it. BJD is opposing the anti-poor policy of the central government.”

However, Majhi said: “Soumya Babu is not with the BJD. He is keeping distance from the state government and BJD. BJD wishes to inform you that Soumya Babu is with the party. That’s why Saumya Babu is saying all this. The picture will be clear after a few days.”

State BJP general secretary Prithviraj Harichandan said that the government is adopting repressive policy. Senior police officers are involved in the conspiracy. While playing its role, the government is trying to suppress the opposition parties. Although there are agitations many times, but there is a conspiracy to impose section 307 against the BJP Yuva Morcha. That’s why the party will register FIR against DGP, Police Commissioner, DCP in all the police stations. If the police will not accept the FIR, then the BJP will go to court.

The party will protest in front of all SP offices on March 4 against the police action on Yuva Morcha workers.

BJD MLA Saumaranjan Patnaik said that the law and order is deteriorating because of the BJP.

Harichandan said, “It is a conspiracy. Senior police officers are involved in this. The protest will continue.”

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