Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Myths Busted. to keep track

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) mainly affects women of childbearing age and also affects fertility. Multiple cysts develop in the ovaries that cause irregular periods, acne, facial hair growth, trouble sleeping and weight gain. Women who have PCOS have higher levels of male hormones called androgens and elevated levels of insulin, a hormone that helps control blood sugar.

There are many myths associated with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) which we are busting in this article.

PCOS Myth:

1. You Can’t Get Pregnant

The most common myth about PCOS is that you cannot get pregnant if you have been diagnosed with PCOS. it is not true. Many drugs can stimulate ovulation, which is the main problem faced by women with PCOS. There are also many fertility treatments available for women with PCOS.

2. PCOS Affects Overweight Women

It is a fact that weight gain and obesity worsen the symptoms of PCOS, however, it is a myth that PCOS affects only overweight women. It can affect anyone.

3. Increase in the number of facial hair

It is a misconception that if you are suffering from PCOS, you will have hair growth on your face. PCOS increases androgens in the body, which leads to hair growth, however, the symptoms vary from person to person.

4. Irregular Periods

Irregular periods can occur due to various reasons such as uterine fibroids, diet, thyroid, excessive exercise and dieting. Irregular periods are one of the symptoms of PCOS, however, it does not happen to everyone who suffers from it.

5. Losing Weight Can Cure PCOS

Another myth associated with PCOS is that if you lose weight, you can fix it. This is a myth that needs to be busted. If you have been diagnosed with PCOS, it is advisable to follow a healthy lifestyle, however, losing weight does not cure PCOS. Losing weight can cure 10% of PCOS symptoms.

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