Ponnam reminds CM of assurances given to RTC employees

Ponnam Prabhakar
| Photo Credit: Rao G N

Senior Congress leader Ponnam Prabhakar questioned the rationale behind not keeping the promises Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao had made to RTC employees in the past and wondered how long they have to suffer.

“You made many promises to the RTC employees including releasing ₹1,000 crore every year to the organisation, personally supervising the functioning of the organisation, a monthly meeting with employees, special arrangements for women employees and ₹1 lakh bonus. What happened to those promises?” asked Mr. Prabhakar in a letter addressed to the Chief Minister on Sunday.

He said that even after four years the TSRTC was not in profits as promised by the Chief Minister, and arrears of PFF and CCS were not yet cleared. The Congress leader also asked what happened to the promise of free bus passes to the family members of RTC employees, free medical facility and housing loan for them.

“The RTC employees were part of separate Telangana movement and halted the transport system forcing the then government to act. When they went on an agitation in 2019, you promised to look into their problems but none of them have been addressed so far. Address their problems immediately and keep the promise,” Mr Prabhakar urged the Chief Minister in his letter.