Ponniyin Selvan | A book, a film, and the mighty Chola

Tamil writer Kalki Krishnamurthy Trailblazing Historical Fiction Ponniyin Selvan, Written in the fifties, the film has been adapted into a two-part film by producer Mani Ratnam. Ponniyin Selvan 1 either PS-1 Interest in the Chola dynasty, ancient Tamil rulers, their contributions to South Indian history, the famous Thanjavur Large Temple and Tamil culture has rekindled.

It was not devoid of any controversy. Ponniyin Selvan 1 woke up again Books vs Cinema debateCan a film adaptation do justice to the book, or why filmmakers are reluctant to adapt literary classics. Flimmaker Vetrimaaran commented that Cholas were not Hindus And an alleged attempt to elevate Tamil history sparked a controversy that also fueled the North versus South debate.

Nevertheless, the legacy of the mighty Cholas will remain a landmark in history.

Director Mani Ratnam on his latest project ‘Ponniyin Selvan’