Pope tells Sri Lankan leaders not to ignore people’s needs – Times of India

Vatican City: Pope Francis told the leaders of Sunday Sri Lanka “For the cries of the poor and not ignoring the needs of the people,” and appealed for peace in the Asian country.
Disappointment over the economic crisis in Sri Lanka boiled over on Saturday when a huge crowd of protesters stormed the Rashtrapati Bhavan and forced the president to resign.
Speaking from St. Peter’s Square for his Sunday Angelus message, Pope Expressed solidarity with the people of Sri Lanka, who it said “continue to suffer from political and economic instability”.
“Together with the bishops of the country, I repeat my appeal for peace,” the pope said.
The Pope also renewed his support for the people of Ukraine.
“May God show you the way to end this crazy war,” he said.
In his message, Francis also referred to Libya, urging “constructive dialogue and national reconciliation” in the North African country and said the international community could help in this effort.