Posham Pa, Gilli Danda among 75 ‘Indian Games’ to be started in schools

The Union Government has announced that it will introduce 75 “Indian Games” in schools under the Indian Knowledge System (IKS) initiative. The list of sports includes games like Posham Pa, Vish Amrit, Gilli Danda and Langdi. Santhal Katti, a variant of Gilli Danda played by the Santhal tribe of Odisha, Mardani Khel, a form of martial art originating from Maharashtra, and Ubi Lapki, a rugby-like game played with coconuts in Manipur are also on the list.

The list was compiled with the help of experts who suggested indigenous games originating from different parts of the country. “The idea is not to promote Indian sports only in schools. The real idea is to make sports more inclusive at the school level. For example, schools in rural areas do not have the infrastructure for popular school sports such as basketball or badminton. Why should we restrict their participation?” IKS national coordinator Ganti S Murthy told a leading news daily.

Read also| NEP 2020 rooted in ‘Indianness’ while imbibing global perspective: Amit Shah

Launch of Indian Games announced on 2nd anniversary of National Games education The policy which was implemented in 2020. This initiative will continue under the Ministry of Education. The roots of these “Indian games” are said to be deep in Indian culture, some of which date back thousands of years. For example, Gilli Danda is believed to be a 5,000 year old game which is mentioned in the Mahabharata.

Indian sports listed under the IKS initiative will be introduced in schools through Physical Training (PT) teachers. Teachers will also share pictures and videos of students playing the game. Certificates will be awarded to the best performing schools and affiliated PT teachers.

On the second anniversary of the announcement of the National Policy on Education (NEP) 2020, Home Minister Amit Shah had said India If we are not teaching and teaching local Indian languages, then only 5 percent of the country’s capacity is being utilized. If we are teaching only in English, we are reaching out to only five per cent students in a class, Shah said. The government said that teaching in the mother tongue will facilitate easy understanding and at the same time ensure that no one is discriminated against because of their language skills in colleges or at the time of employment.

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