PPP: Pakistan: PPP pressurizes PM Shahbaz Sharif over TTP talks – Times of India

Islamabad: Pakistan People’s Party put pressure on the Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif To convene a meeting of the National Security Council (NSC) and an all-party conference on talks with the terrorist group Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP,
ppp ARY News quoted sources as saying that expressed serious objection to the confidentiality of the progress of the ongoing talks with the TTP.
Pressure on it after reservation of PPP PM Shahbaz Sharif There was a gradual and gradual increase to convening an NSC meeting and an APC for a briefing on the TTP talks.
According to the publication, PM Sharif has consulted ministers to summon NSC or APC. It is pertinent to mention that the coalition parties of the Pakistan Muslim League-N-led government have expressed concern over the secrecy being adopted to negotiate with the terrorist organisation.
Earlier, on Sunday, the PPP formed a three-member committee to reach out to other political parties on the recent developments in Pakistan’s talks with the TTP.
In a statement, the political party said it would jointly take up the issue with other parties in Parliament.
Qamar Zaman Kaira, Senator are included in the special committee of PPP sheri rehmanand Farhatullah Babar, according to ARY News citing the statement.
Meanwhile, on Saturday, the PPP decided to reach out to its allies to work out a consensus on the way forward amid talks with the TTP.
A high level meeting was held in Zardari House In Islamabad under the chairmanship of party co-president Asif Ali Zardari and president bilaval Bhutto,
In a statement issued after the meeting, the PPP said the party reiterated that all decisions should be taken by Parliament, and thus, Parliament should be taken on board.
Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto tweeted on Saturday that the PPP held a high-level meeting with the TTA (Tehreek-e-Taliban Afghanistan) and the TTP to discuss the issue of terrorism, especially in light of the recent developments in Afghanistan. In.
Pakistan’s foreign minister wrote on Twitter, “PPP believes that all decisions should be taken by Parliament. Will reach out to allies to build consensus on the way forward.”
Last month, the government and the TTP agreed to extend the ceasefire indefinitely and continue talks to end nearly two decades of terrorism, ARY News reported.