Prayagraj: After Hiccups, Female Recipients Again Leading COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign Allahabad News – Times of India

Prayagraj: After initial difficulties in the first week of this month, women recipients have once again taken the lead as far as the vaccination of Kovid-19 is concerned.
Of the 1,68,527 doses administered between December 1 and 8, 84,737 were given to women, 83,713 to men and 77 to transgenders.
Figures Revealed by health Department After initial hiccups, female recipients once again took the lead in vaccination in the second week of this month and more female recipients of all age groups visited immunization centers in rural and urban areas, it claimed on Wednesday.
Officials said that after registering leads in September, October and November, female recipients were marginally behind their male counterparts in the first week of this month, but have now outperformed their male counterparts.
Records claim that out of 9,52,528 jabs given to eligible recipients in November, 5,00,968 women received jabs, while the number of male recipients of the vaccine stood at 4,51,214.
Similarly, out of the total 8,41,889 doses given in October, 4,40,094 were given to women, while 4,01,428 doses were received by men. In addition, in September, out of a total of 9,39,300 doses given to eligible recipients, 4,78,740 were given to women and 4,60,002 to men.
The data also revealed that out of 47,16,326 doses administered so far, 24,54,180 are male, 22, 60,107 are female and 2,039 are transgender.
Additional Chief Medical Officer and District Immunization Officer (deo) Doctor Tirath Lali told TOI that the second week of December saw active participation of female recipients as they once again outperformed their male counterparts.
He also claimed that we have also focused on giving a second jab to eligible recipients of all age groups in due course and for this, the health team is working on a micro plan to fully cover them under the immunization category. Were were
District health officials have set a target of dispensing 45,16,437 recipients of all age groups.
So far, 33,69,051 recipients (75%) had been given the first dose, while 30 percent (13,47,275) had been fully vaccinated.
Doctor. Red “Over 1.68 lakh doses were given in eight days of this month and we aim to break the previous month’s record,” he said.
