Pregnant man: Apple criticized in US for pregnant man emoji – Times of India

tech giants Apple America is embroiled in a dispute pregnant man emoji. The company is facing some criticism Republican According to a report by Business Insider, who has criticized Apple for the special emoji. Several Republicans have reportedly tweeted about this pregnant man emoji With sarcasm, his displeasure made sense.
Apple made new emoji Available as part of the new beta version of iOS 15.4 Update. However, the pregnant male emoji may not be referring to a straight man, but may have been inspired by transgender men and non-binary people.
“The decision to include emojis was made by the Unicode Consortium, a non-profit industry body that regulates how characters are displayed online, including the release of new emoji. The report states that Emojipedia founder Jeremy Burge, who sat at some Unicode meetings, wrote in July 2021 that the new symbols indicate that “pregnancy is possible for some transgender men and non-binary people.”
It comes as Apple is already facing backers of Fortnite maker Epic Games. Late last year, a US court ruled somewhat in favor of Apple and epic games Appealed against it. Epic has received support from several quarters, including the US Attorney General. And now Microsoft has joined Epic’s battle against Apple.
“If Apple is allowed to step in between any company with online services and users of iPhones, certain sectors of the vast mobile economy will be protected from Apple’s interference and eventual dominance,” Microsoft said in a statement in support of Epic Games. Said in brief, according to a report by AppleInsider.
