President Joe Biden denounces attacks on voter rights during commencement speech, calls him ‘American’ – Henry Club

President Joe Biden In a speech at South Carolina State University on Friday, he denounced the attack on voters’ rights, calling them “Americans.”

His visit was supported by his colleague, Representative Jim Clyburn, who helped revive Biden’s faltering primary campaign in South Carolina last year.

But he also used it to attack the Republican ‘assault’ on voting rights and help his audience become leaders and business owners who invest in their communities and increase the number of government contracts to entrepreneurs from minority groups. Huh. ,

He said, ‘We have learned that there is no difference between the success of a black entrepreneur and a white entrepreneur.’

‘There’s usually no lawyer other than the black entrepreneur, there’s usually no one who’s going to be there and do the accounting to get it done.

‘Their thinking is as deep but the help is missing.’

President Biden delivered a commencement speech Friday at South Carolina State University, condemning attacks on voter rights and urging his black audience to be leaders.

In a slip, Biden referred to his vice president as ‘President Harris’ in his opening remarks

Biden calls on his audience of young, black Americans to take the lead in building a more just country

He arrived a day after the White House was forced to clarify Vice President Harris’ comments that he and the president had not discussed his re-election plans.

Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters Biden still plans to stand again in 2024 with Harris as his running mate.

So a momentary slip during his speech when he promoted Harris to the top job, as he discussed historically black colleges and universities, would be seized upon by opposition meme-makers.

“But all kidding, of course, President Harris is a proud Howard alum,” he said in his opening remarks.

He called on his audience to take the lead in building a more just America.

“Perhaps most importantly, we must protect the sacred right to vote for God,” he said.

He described how his introduction to politics came through the Civil Rights Movement.

‘Guess what? I have never seen anything like a constant attack on the right to vote,’ he said. ‘never.

‘As John Lewis said… there is no democracy without the right to vote. It’s not just about who to vote for, or to make it simple… it’s about who is the vote count and whether your vote matters at all.’

Progress was being made back, he said.

This new sinister combination of voter suppression and election servers and electoral hatred. It is non-American. It is undemocratic and sadly unprecedented since Reconstruction.

Rape. James Clyburn (D-Sc) helped revive Biden’s stalled primary campaign last year, and on Friday he personally received his diploma from South Carolina State University—as he did in the mail upon graduation in 1961. did. Received.

He said Democrats were pushing for new protections on voting rights but were blocked in the Senate.

“But every time it’s raised, the other team blocks the ability to start a discussion on it, the other team that used to be called the Republican Party,” he said.

Biden’s visit to Columbia, South Carolina, came at a turning point in his presidency, limiting his $1.8 trillion in social and environmental spending.

Democrats had hoped to make progress before the end of the year, but stalled talks mean they are turning their attention to the right to vote.

Still, Biden said he’s ready to help out his friend, Representative Jim Clyburn.

Clyburn introduced him Friday at his alma mater, where he was personally attending this year’s graduates to receive their diplomas. When he graduated in 1961 there were no December celebrations so he received his diploma in the mail.

‘I’d almost go to South Carolina to be able to do this for Jim,’ Biden said In an interview with WLTX-TV in Colombia this week.

‘Jim has been a champion for all things that matter.’