priceless bhagwant mann included in ministerial ceremony in punjab

Picture of Punjab Bhagwant Mann (file photo).

New Delhi :

The ministers of Punjab have been told. Bhagwant Mann, who is in charge of Housing and Urban Affairs from Minister Aman Arora, has been given the portfolio of Information and Public Relations from Aman Arora to Chetan Singh Jauramajra. Aman Arora will now have a total of four portfolios including Junior Reforms.

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Food website Chetan Singh has been withdrawn from Jauramajra and given to Lajit Singh Bhullar. Madhya Pradesh has written a letter of concern to the governors to be declared as departments.

Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Wednesday withdrew two important portfolios, including housing and urban development, from Aman Arora in the list of five Punjab ministers. Bhopal Bhagwant Mann has included in his association five ministers Aman Arora, Gurmeet Singh Meet Bal, Lal Jit Singh Bhullar, Chetan Singh Jauramajra and Anmol Gagan Mann.

Sir, now the Department of Housing and Urban Development has pulled itself together, which was earlier held by Arora. Sir has also given employment generation and training department to AAP worker Arora from Sunam. The information and public relations department was earlier with Arora, but now it has been given to Jauramajra. Transport Minister Bhullar will now also handle the power department, which was earlier held by Jauramajra.

Mr. Mann decided things in the words of some of his ministers when his government completed one year on Wednesday.