Pride Month 2022: Burger King Austria Launches ‘Pride Whopper’; internet feedback

Pride Month has arrived, and we’re celebrating diversity and people of all sexualities. The month of June is considered the ‘Pride Month’ across the world. We mark it with festivals, rallies, parties and many other events. In fact, people and brands from different walks of life come forward to celebrate this month in their own unique way. joining the bandwagon. Burger King has also come up with a special ‘Pride Whopper’ which will be available in stores across Austria until June 20, 2022. Wondering what’s so special about ‘Pride Whopper’? According to Burger King Austria’s Instagram page, you’ll get two equal buns—meaning you can either have your burger with two top halves or two bottom halves.

“Can we imagine? The Pride Whopper – with two identical buns for equal love and equal rights. We set a mark for equality of all identities and sensuality. A little twist that will bring a smile to our faces.” And will remind us to treat each other respectfully and calmly. No matter who you are or who you love. #TimeToBeProud,” reads the Insta-post in Danish. to keep track:

Read also: ‘Is this a joke?’: Burger King Germany’s bizarre new menu confuses Twitter

However, people on the Internet did not like this advertising campaign. They felt that the advertisement was full of confusion and diluting the essence of the event. According to a statement by Forbes, the ad is “strange” but leaves room for interpretation. Another report from states that Burger King had good intentions behind the ad, but it certainly has upset consumers.

Many also took to Twitter to share their opinion about the ad. to keep track:

What are your thoughts on the Burger King ‘Pride Burger’ ad? Do let us know in the comments below.

About Somdutt SahuInvestigator- Somdutt likes to call this himself. In the matter of food, people or places, she only wants to know the unknown. A simple aglio oleo pasta or dal-rice and a good movie can make his day.