Prime Minister Narendra Modi leaves for India with G20 chairmanship as soon as Bali summit ends

Bali: Prime Minister Narendra Modi left for India on Wednesday at the conclusion of his two-day visit to Bali, Indonesia for the G-20 Summit. Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Wednesday (November 16, 2022) handed over the G20 chairmanship to India at the closing ceremony of the Bali Summit. India will officially assume the presidency of the G20 on December 1, 2022. PM Modi will extend a personal invitation to the G20 members and other invitees to the G20 summit to be held in India in 2023. He had bilateral talks with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, French President. Emmanuel Macron, Italian PM Giorgia Meloni, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Australian PM Anthony Albanese and several other world leaders on the sidelines of the summit on Wednesday.

Confirming the PM’s departure, Ministry of External Affairs Spokesperson Arindam Bagchi tweeted, “Bringing the G20 Presidency home! PM Narendra Modi leaves for Delhi after a productive 2-day visit to G20 Indonesia in Bali. Useful on bilateral and global issues.” Packed with deliberation.” Reaffirmed that G20India will envision new ideas and accelerate collective action.”

Also read: G20 Summit: PM Modi holds bilateral talks with Italian counterpart Giorgia Meloni

India will officially assume the presidency of the G20 on December 1, 2022. PM Modi will extend a personal invitation to the G20 members and other invitees to the G20 summit to be held in India in 2023.