Prince Albert of Monaco Fast Facts | CNN – The Henry Club


Here’s a look at life His Sean Highness, Prince Albert IIFollowing the death of his father, Prince Rainier, he was formally appointed as the ruler of Monaco on 12 July 2005.

Birthday: 14 March 1958

birth place, Monte Carlo, Monaco

birth name: Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimaldi, His Serene Highness, Hereditary Prince of Monaco, Marquis of Box

Father: Prince Rainier III

Mother, Princess Grace, formerly actress Grace Kelly

wedding, Charlene Wittstock (July 1, 2011–present)

Children: With Charlene Wittstock: Princess Gabriella Therese Marie and Prince Jacques Honoré Rainier; With Nicole Coste: Eric Alexandre Stefan; With Tamara Rotolo: Jazmine Grace Rotolo.

Education: Amherst College, BA, 1981

military service: french navy

He is interested in environmental issues, alternative energy and hybrid vehicles.

An avid athlete, he has competed in five winter Olympics (1988, 1992, 1994, 1998, 2002) in the sport of bobsledding but did not win a medal.

He has been a member of the International Olympic Committee since 1985.

His two eldest children are not in line for the throne as they were born out of wedlock.

March 31, 2005 – The Crown Council of Monaco transferred the regency of the small kingdom to the heir to the throne, Prince Albert, saying that Prince Rainier could no longer perform his duties as monarch.

April 6, 2005 – Prince Rainier III dies of organ failure and Prince Albert becomes Albert II, Sovereign Prince of Monaco.

6 July 2005 – Nicole Coste, a flight attendant from Togo, publicly acknowledges the paternity of her son, Alexandre.

12 July 2005 – Part of the formal adornment as ruler of Monaco is the Mass at St. Nicholas Cathedral, which marks the end of the mourning period for Prince Rainier.

17 November 2005 – The second part of the ceremonial adornment is the coronation ceremony at St. Nicholas Cathedral.

April 16, 2006 – Dogs travel to the North Pole to highlight global warming.

1 June 2006 – Tamara Rotolo, an American former waitress, acknowledges the paternity of her daughter, Jazmine Grace Grimaldi.

2 March 2007 – Presiding over the opening ceremony in Paris of the International Polar Year, a research program focusing on the polar regions involving 50,000 scientists from 63 countries.

January 28, 2008 – has been designated as one of United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) “Champions of the Earth.”

22 April 2008 – UNEP receives the award that recognizes individuals who show exceptional leadership on environmental issues.

January 5-14, 2009 – En route completes an expedition to the South Pole evaluating climate impact on Antarctica. He is the only head of state to visit both poles.

23 June 2010 – The palace announced Prince Albert’s engagement to 32-year-old Charlene Wittstock, a former olympic swimmer and school teachers from South Africa.

1 July 2011 – Prince Albert married Charlene Wittstock in a civil marriage ceremony in the throne room of the Palace of Monaco.

2 July 2011 – A second wedding, a religious ceremony including Mass, is held in the main courtyard of the Palace of Monaco. The ceremony is broadcast to the 3,500 invited guests who could not fit inside the palace.

October 2013 – Lends excerpts from his personal collection of Olympic torches Russian Exhibition of Olympic torches.

7 October 2013 – is one of the first torch holders for 2014 Sochi Olympic Winter Play.

14 December 2015 – Who presented the 2015 Global Advocate Award to Prince Albert? United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon For his work on climate change research and environmental protection efforts.

October 2016 – Purchases his mother’s childhood home in Philadelphia with the idea of ​​turning it into a museum or offices for foundation work.

Monaco is a sovereign principality, which means it is ruled by a prince.

It is the second smallest country in the world after Vatican. At 2.02 km (77 sq mi), Monaco is about half the size of New York’s Central Park.

It sits on the French Riviera and is bordered on three sides by France. It is a popular tourist destination, famous for its casinos and luxury hotels.

Monaco is also the capital of the Principality. The official language is French. The other major languages ​​spoken are English and Italian.

Monegasque, a mixture of French Provençal and Italian Ligurian dialects, is also spoken there.