Prince Charles names autumn garden at Balmoral after eldest grandson Prince George

Prince Charles has dedicated a garden to his first-born grandson, Prince George. In a rather thoughtful and sweet gesture, the future king reveals that the long-running tribute is named after the young prince. The Prince of Wales acknowledged that the woodland was created in the year his first grandson was born. He admitted that he built a plantation and planted trees in his Balmoral home.

during an interview with BBC, Royal gave the camera a tour of the garden. He explained that he had found the green space and decided that it could be renovated in a better way. Charles spoke to Chanel about the environment at length, walking around the Birkhall estate in the Scottish Highlands, where he and his family spend most of the summer months.

The prince elaborated that the vast estate was “an empty farm that the farm no longer needed.” Balmoral has been the home of the Royals for years and so it is a big deal for them to leave this legacy. He noted, “The great thing was that I managed to plant it the same year my grandson, the eldest, George was born, so I thought I’d call it Prince George’s Wood.”

The prince referred to the garden as “the old man’s passion”. It is clear that the plot is very close to his heart, as he said, “I hope he (George) will appreciate it one day.” Clearly the oldest and longest-lived heir in British history, Charles detailed the importance of the estate. “It’s really about autumn color and a little spring. But autumn is the magic here. So finding all the interesting trees and shrubs that change color is half the battle,” he said.

Prince George, born on 22 July 2013, is currently third in line to the throne after his father William and his grandfather. George is followed by his two siblings, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

Charles, in the same interview, expressed his passion for the environment, revealing the changes he is making to his lifestyle to help save the planet. Prince Charles, The Queen and Prince William are likely to be part of the upcoming COP26 summit, also known as the United Nations Climate Change Summit, to be held in Glasgow.

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