Professional historians will decide the material without any interference: New NCERT chief – Times of India

New Delhi: Implementation of National Education Policy 2020 is top priority for Professor
Dinesh Prasad SaklaniWho took over as the director of the National Council of Educational Research and Training on Monday. Commenting on the formulation of school textbooks, he said that professional historians would decide the syllabus without any interference. Part:

What are your priorities?

We have two priorities for the first year. The first priority is NEP, on which work is going on. The Steering Committee has been constituted by the Government of India to prepare the National Curriculum Framework. Also there are 20 focus groups which will work on position papers. I have been told by the course department that it is going well and we are planning to complete it within the prescribed limit.


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We also need to reactivate NCERT to implement NEP. We have shortage of teachers and more than 50% posts are lying vacant in National Institute of Education and Regional Institute of Education. It is an ongoing process but there are some problems which need to be tackled. And as soon as these hurdles are removed, we will start the process as soon as possible so that by the time we implement NEP 2020 we are fully prepared.

A major focus of the new curriculum is on the Indian knowledge system. Your thoughts

We are going to get the guidelines for the status papers in the next meeting. After the guidelines come, the papers will be ready. Will start work on paper syllabus depending on the situation. As far as the focus on the traditional knowledge system is concerned, my personal view is that harmony with nature has been at the core of our country’s philosophy and progress from the very beginning. Nature has nurtured us and all our traditional knowledge is dependent on nature, be it medicinal systems, animal husbandry or farming. So we have to look at the conventional wisdom as a whole – our way of living, food habits or livelihood. Modern technology is equally important, but there has to be a balance of both.

While we should adopt the modern but the traditional which has supported our civilization for thousands of years cannot be ignored.

Your views on the claims that the current history textbooks glorify the Mughal rulers and are not doing justice to the Indian rulers?

I will invite professional historians and they will look into it. I will not interfere or dictate terms. Whatever decision they make will be followed.

What is the status of the syllabus for the academic session 2022-23?

We are working on this on priority basis. Although I can’t commit to a date, it will be ready soon. Before deciding how much material is to be rationalised, we have to look at the conditions of the states. If we reduce the syllabus more than some states, then a section of the students will find it difficult to sit for multiple entrance exams. I have asked the experts working on this to get feedback from the states. We will also consult with higher education institutions. Based on this the syllabus will be decided.

Timely availability of textbooks has been an issue…

Even before I joined science textbooks were sent for printing. The rest I am pushing so that we are ready by March 2022.

What are the major challenges in schooling right now?

I don’t see anything as a challenge, but as an opportunity. Those who see things as challenges get into fights, but those who take situations as opportunities learn from experience and progress.
