Prophet Comment | global response to the controversy

Suspended BJP spokespersons’ remarks on Prophet Muhammad have been condemned by more than 15 countries so far

Suspended BJP spokespersons’ remarks on Prophet Muhammad have been condemned by more than 15 countries so far

the story So Far: China on June 13 joined the list of countries that have responded with varying intensity Prophet comment controversy, adding that he hoped the incident could be “properly managed”. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin, responding to reporters in Beijing, said: “It is important to abandon arrogance and prejudice, and deepen the recognition and understanding of our own civilization and differences from other civilizations, and promote dialogue and harmonious coexistence.” Giving is important.”

Meanwhile, despite Bangladesh on Sunday, June 12 protests in the country On the dispute, India, being of India, took a fairly neutral stand on the matter.internal issue.“However, this has not happened to many other countries as India deals with the diplomatic repercussions of controversial comments made by now-suspended Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokespersons Nupur Sharma and Naveen Jindal on television on television in late May. News Channel times now,

More than 15 countries have condemned the remarks, starting with Qatar when it was hosting Vice President Venkaiah Naidu. The comments have put India in a difficult foreign policy position West Asian Nations with which it has important trade and diplomatic ties. More than 8.9 million Indians living or working in the Gulf also make it an area of ​​diplomatic concern for India.

The row also received a backlash from a United Nations (UN) spokesperson, who called for “respect and tolerance” for all religions.

Qatar, Kuwait and Iran

While social media users in Arab countries were already calling for a boycott and boycott of Indian goods by early June, the first official response from an Arab country came on 5 June, when the Qatari Foreign Ministry called on Indian Ambassador Deepak Mittal. and handed over a note to him expressing “complete disapproval and condemnation of the comments” made by the suspended BJP spokespersons. The Qatari government demanded a public apology, saying the remarks would “promote religious hatred, and offend more than two million Muslims worldwide.”

The move put unprecedented pressure on the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) as it came a day after Vice President Venkaiah Naidu flew to Doha, beginning a three-nation tour. Incidentally, Qatari authorities canceled a banquet in Mr Naidu’s honor saying that his counterpart, Deputy Emir Abdullah bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, had recently come into contact with a person infected with COVID-19 . However, aside from diplomatic norms, he did not depute anyone else to host the banquet, which became a matter of concern for the Ministry of External Affairs.

Hours after summoning the ambassador, the Indian embassy in Qatar issued a statement saying that “the Indian government holds the highest respect for all religions,” and that “stern action has already been taken against those making derogatory remarks.” It added that the government has nothing to do with the comments which were made by “vulgar elements”.

It also referred to a statement issued by the BJP which emphasized “respect for all religions, insulting any religious personality or insulting any religion or sect”.

Read also: Nupur Sharma | in the eye of the storm

After Qatar, Kuwait followed suit and summoned Indian ambassador Sibi George, handing him a demarche demanding “public apologies for those hostile comments”. The Indian Embassy in Kuwait also issued a similar statement in response.

On the same day Iran also summoned the Indian Ambassador to Tehran over the controversial comments. It came just three days before its first voyage Foreign Minister Hussein Amir-Abdullahian to Delhi.

As a diplomatic storm broke out, the BJP suspended Ms Sharma and the party’s Delhi unit expelled its media cell chief Naveen Kumar Jindal from the primary membership of the party.


Pakistan has been quite vocal in its response to the controversy. Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif tweeted on June 5, calling the comments “hurtful” and accusing the Modi government of “trampling”. [on] Religious freedom and persecution of Muslims.”

The foreign ministry’s official spokesperson, Arindam Bagchi, reacted strongly to Mr Sharif’s comments, saying that “the absurdity of a gradual violator of minority rights commenting on the treatment of minorities in another country” was “not lost on anyone.”

“The world has been witness to the systematic persecution of minorities including Hindus, Sikhs, Christians and Ahmadis by Pakistan,” he said.

On 6 June, the Pakistan Foreign Office summoned the Indian charge d’affaires to condemn the remarks. In the following days, Pakistan also passed a resolution in both houses of its parliament condemning the comments, while the country’s lawmakers called for a protest.


57-nation Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Not only condemned the comments made by the now suspended spokespersons, but also linked the controversy to the hijab ban controversy, which took place earlier this year and linked to the alleged demolition of Muslim properties following communal violence.

The OIC’s Jeddah-based secretariat said the statement about the prophet “came in the context of growing hatred and abuse of Islam in India and systematic practices against Muslims and restrictions on them…”

Responding to the OIC, Mr. Bagchi of the Ministry of External Affairs told reporters at a press conference that the organization should stop its “communal approach” and that it was “sad that the OIC Secretariat has again inspired, misleading and mischievous”. chose to comment”.

“It only exposes the divisive agenda being pursued at the behest of vested interests,” he said.

While India reacted strongly to OIC’s comments, it remained silent on it Statement Issued by the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GGC), with which New Delhi maintains strong ties.

The statement, named after GGC Secretary-General Nayef Falah M. Al-Hajraf, strongly condemned the remarks, stating that “His Excellency the Secretary-General affirms the categorical rejection of all prophets and apostles as well as personality and religious prejudices.” symbols, emphasizing the position that defies provocation, targeting or undermining beliefs and religions”

more than a dozen other countries

Several other Arab countries and countries with a majority Muslim population registered their protest over the controversial comments including the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Jordan, Oman, Turkey, Maldives, Indonesia, Libya, Iraq, Malaysia and even . Taliban rule in Afghanistan.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE), a key partner in the Gulf, issued a statement condemning the remarks that were insulting to the Prophet. The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs underlined the need to “respect and not violate religious symbols, as well as combat hate speech and violence.” The UAE recently concluded a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with India and is an important aviation and investment destination for India. Country.

On 6 June Sauda Arabia’s MOFA also tweeted a statement condemning the “derogatory” remarks, rejecting “prejudice against symbols of the Islamic religion”.

According to PTIA spokesman for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling party AKP also called the remarks against the prophet “an insult to all Muslims”.

Iraq’s state-backed news agency also reported that the country’s government found the comments about the prophet “malicious” and “outrageous”. PTI report good.

Meanwhile, Malaysia summoned Indian High Commissioner BN Reddy over the remarks, as well as issued a statement asking India to “work together to end Islamophobia and stop any provocative acts in the interest of peace and stability”. . Welcoming the BJP’s move to suspend the spokespersons, the statement said their remarks angered the Muslim ummah.